It’s different when we do it, says Biden admin about civilian casualties in a war zone

The world reacted with outrage when an Israeli strike killed seven adult foreign aid workers (including one American) who had deliberately inserted themselves into a hot war zone. For Joe Biden, this was the magic moment. Suddenly, he had the cudgel with which to beat Israel into submission by promising to withhold desperately needed military supplies.

Weirdly, the fact that Hamas killed at least 11 American civilians on October 7 and still holds Americans hostage didn’t spur Biden into any forceful measures against Hamas. I guess that, for Biden, it’s different when they’re Jews. And for Biden, it’s also different when Biden does it.

By “it,” I mean accidentally killing civilians. In August 2021, days after 13 American troops were killed during Biden’s humiliating retreat from Afghanistan, the Pentagon launched a drone strike in Kabul. The strike managed to kill three adults and seven children. According to the Pentagon’s own investigation, the American military believed that it was firing at a legitimate military target. Therefore, the Pentagon concluded that there was “no violation of law, including the law of war.” It’s war; death happens.

Image: John Kirby (cropped). YouTube screen grab.

That’s not the case, though, when Israel is involved. Despite Israel fighting a war with such exquisite care that the military’s two-week battle against Hamas terrorists in Shifa Hospital had no civilian casualties, when Biden heard about the dead aid workers, he purported to be incandescent with rage. Fueled by that rage, Biden demanded Israel’s immediate surrender to Hamas. (And no, he didn’t use the word “surrender,” but, as even Biden acknowledged, an immediate, unconditional ceasefire, without any demands on Hamas, means that it can regroup.)

Bad Israel! Bad!

But what about America and her boo-boos? On Friday, Martha MacCallum flat-out asked John Kirby, the White House National Security Communications Advisor, why America gave itself a pass for slaughtering those seven Afghan children, even as it insists that Israel is evil for having accidentally killed five adults who knowingly inserted themselves into a hot war zone:

Kirby answered, “Well, look, these are events that happened three years apart, two different geographic locations, two different countries, two different sets of circumstances, two different types of threat[s] that were being evaluated, and [two completely] different militaries that were involved, with two different chains of command. So, I think we’ve got to be careful comparing both events too closely. We, too, had an independent investigation, Martha, of that incident, and that independent investigator found that there was no need for personal accountability to be had…”

When MacCallum pressed him again to clarify what was really “different,” Kirby doubled down:

Kirby responded, “Yeah, well, first, again, two different incidents. I understand that there [are] similarities here. But it would be, I think, imprudent to try to compare two things that happened three years apart in two different conflicts.”

Cut through the nervous babble, and here’s what Kirby really said: It’s different because we did it. Kirby tried to dance around this point by saying that, even as it discounted any responsibility whatsoever, the Pentagon suggested proactive changes. He’s clear, though, that Israel made a “mistake” while the Pentagon was just waging war. The former requires punishment; the latter does not.

One of the hallmarks of malignant narcissism is that the narcissist is never culpable. What he does is always for the greater good — and he, personally, is the greater good. If something goes wrong, it’s always someone else’s fault, or there’s no fault at all. The flip side of this is that everyone who is not in the narcissist’s circle of supporters is the enemy and will always be in the wrong.

That’s malignant narcissism at the individual level. But this type of narcissism also functions at a national level. When you have an entire administration made up of people who accept the premise that there is no higher morality than themselves and their needs, then the government will also be narcissistic. No matter what, it will always be different when they do it.

We’ve seen this time and time again in what’s become a two-tiered American system:

Leftists riot at the Capitol and invade the building? Free speech and political protest.

Conservatives riot at the Capitol and invade the building? Criminal insurrection that requires prosecuting hundreds of people and trying to imprison the former president and current Republican presidential candidate.

Detaining people at the border during a Democrat administration? Keeping them safe.

Detaining people at the border during a Republican administration? Kids in cages.

Kill civilians as collateral damage under a Democrat administration? Legal warfare.

Kill civilians as collateral damage under a Republican administration? “Air-raiding villages and killing civilians.”

Kill civilians as collateral damage if you’re Israel? Surrender immediately.

As those unlucky enough to find themselves in a narcissists orbit know—and this is true whether these contacts are professional or personal—there is no good outcome from engaging with a person who is his own god. The same is true for those nations unlucky enough to find themselves on the receiving end of the Biden administration’s god complex.

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