In Seattle, a male lawyer with sex doll breasts and clown lips, appears in court

A nation’s institutions function only if people respect them. They get respect in two ways: Through brute force and threats or by earning that respect. Our courts of law, through their history, procedures, and rules used to show people involved in the legal system that this was something to take seriously.  It was an objective, time-honored ritual that had due process on its side. But you can’t take anything seriously in a Seattle courtroom when it doesn’t summarily kick out a man with clown make-up and hugely inflated sex doll breasts barely contained in a skimpy top.

On February 27, six people were arrested when they disrupted a Seattle City Council meeting to demand free housing for illegal aliens.

It’s not the underlying protest, though, that is making news across America. Instead, it’s what happened yesterday, when all six appeared in the Municipal Court for their arraignment. The defendants had public defenders with them in the courtroom.

Jonathan Choe videoed just a snippet of the proceedings (which were not conducted before a judge). There are a couple of things to notice in the video. First, despite the fact that COVID is, at most, a mild flu that is no threat to the young, notice how about half the criminal defendants are still wearing masks. Second, pay attention to Iris Bordman’s attorney, who calls himself Stephanie Mueller:

No, you’re not seeing things. Yes, that is a very tall, deep-voiced man wearing clown make-up and hooker clothes (skin-tight, low-cut top over skin-tight leather, or faux leather pants). He is a sexual fetishist who obviously gets a sick kick out of exhibiting himself to people in this attire. You can see more of him here, in this interview (the top video):

It was a foregone conclusion, of course, that a judge in Seattle would allow a man to come into the courtroom dressed as a woman. What should not have been a foregone conclusion, though, was that the bailiff and clerk (for apparently no judge was present) would allow into the courtroom a man dressed as a parody of a sex toy. That kind of hyper-sexualized behavior has no place in a courtroom.

When I started as a young lawyer in San Francisco in the late 1980s and, indeed, up until the last day I was in a courtroom (probably a decade ago), all who appeared, especially the lawyers, were expected to show decorum in dress and manner. Men wore suits; women wore dresses, skirts, or upscale pantsuits. No jeans, t-shirts, polo shirts, miniskirts, platform shoes, or anything else less than dignified was allowed.

This is not a little thing. If our institutions cannot maintain the respect of the citizenry, they have two options: Self-immolation or brute force. In leftist Seattle, my guess is that no institution with power is going to commit polite seppuku. Instead, we can anticipate that, even as the government becomes ever more ridiculous as it panders to delusional sex fetishists (Richard “Rachel” Levine, anyone?), it will rely more and more strongly on the police power that lurks behind it in order to control the citizenry.

Image: X screen grab.

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