Illegal alien poster boy for ‘migrants are not criminals’ campaign admits to raping a young girl

Congolese national Anicet Mayela, who recently pled guilty to raping a 15-year-old child in a crime described by authorities as having a high level of “dangerousness” to it, was previously the illegal alien poster boy for the “migrants are not criminals” campaign.

According to a report by Thomas Brooke at Remix News yesterday, Mayela illegally entered the United Kingdom in 2004 when he paid human smugglers to get him out of the Congo, but by 2005, the federal government sought to deport Mayela—yet, first thanks to bleeding heart useful idiots in his deportation flight cabin crew, and then to the “left-wing charities” and taxpayer-funded immigration lawyers, Mayela “won leave to remain in Britain” after his advocates “successfully argu[ed] a return to his homeland would be a violation of his human rights.”

Mayela used his experience as a publicity stunt for open borders policies, declaring that “migrants are not criminals.” Here’s this, from Brooke:

Mayela used the opportunity to actively campaign against the deportation of illegal migrants, participating in a demonstration near his detention center in Oxford where he spoke to the BBC and hung a sign around his neck that read, ‘Migrants are not criminals.’

‘I am here to support my friends. I have been inside here, and at Colnbrook,’ he told the U.K.’s public broadcaster from outside the detention center.

Here’s a photo of Mayela’s activism:



Except, migrants are criminals, any time they enter a country illegally, doubly so when they’re raping children like Mayela—which is exactly why we don’t want them.

How does the left find the absolute worst “poster child” individuals for their causes? Mayela, a child rapist, is really the best guy they find for the “all migrants are good people” agenda?

All the queers they pick to champion the LGBTQ++ movement who also end up being sex pests and child molestors?

George Floyd, a drug addict who died of an overdose, who once held a gun to a pregnant woman’s belly as he robbed her, becomes the face of black Americans unjustly killed by “racist” institutions? Images of shredded corpses of black babies from Kermit Gosnell’s “House of Horrors” or in the medical waste pans of any other abortion mill would be far more consistent with the narrative.

Joseph Rosenbaum, a man who molested a number of young boys, is a “victim” lost to “gun violence” and the radical right’s view of self-defense? How about the children murdered by school shooters because the left refuses to fund trained and armed professionals for protection?

I’d say it’s rather providential and fitting that the left can only find the worst examples of humanity to “prop up” their terrible ideas.

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