Flashback: 2016 Bill Clinton acknowledges that Hamas is a terrorist group with no intention to coexist peacefully with Israel
One would think that “from the river to the sea” is a clear enough statement of values, but evidently it’s not, because there are some people who actually think that the Hamas jihadis of “Palestine” are “freedom fighters” interested in peaceful coexistence with the Jews and a two-state solution—but, maybe that’s because these Western supporters of Hamas don’t know what river, and what sea is meant by the chant.
Yet, to say that Israel has a right to wage a retributive military campaign against the forces that had stormed into the kibbutzim on October 7th apparently makes you guilty of bloodlust and aiding in “genocide” and “crimes against humanity” because, in the hot war zone that Gaza has become, there has been collateral damage.
But whose fault is that? Have a listen to what Bill Clinton had to say about the occupants of “Palestine” and Hamas, and the type of warfare these animals wage, just a few short years back:
Bill Clinton in 2016: “I killed myself to give the Palestinians a state. I had a deal they turned down that would have given them all of Gaza... between 96%-97% of the West Bank, compensating land in Israel, you name it."
— Ryan Saavedra (@RealSaavedra) April 8, 2024
“Hamas is really smart. When they decide to rocket… pic.twitter.com/wWwQf08PVS
This was in 2016! Just eight years ago!
Now, at the time that Clinton would have been negotiating his idea of a proposed two-state arrangement, Hamas and “Palestine” were not the same—today though, they are. Hamas is, after all, the political faction elected by the Gazan Arabs to run their government.
There’s almost nothing on which I agree with Clinton, but his assessment of the games these terrorists play is spot on:
‘Hamas is really smart. When they decide to rocket Israel, they insinuate themselves in the hospitals, in the schools, in the highly populous areas, and they are smart. They said they try to put the Israelis in a position of either not defending themselves or killing innocents. They’re good at it. They’re smart. They’ve been doing this a long time.’
Hamas is “smart,” and by “smart,” Clinton didn’t mean actually intelligent or sophisticated, but calculating and devious. Hamas, unbound by Geneva Conventions or the morality of Western warfare, runs the same play, over, and over, and over again: launch a surprise attack, rape, torture, and slaughter civilians, then quickly retreat and hide in hospitals, schools, orphanages, etc., “insinuting” themselves where all their own “civilians” are; when Israel retaliates, it’s “genocide.”
Of course, this strategy is exactly what we saw unfold on October 7th. On a quiet Saturday morning, Hamas poured across the border and attacked—but they didn’t sabotage official outposts like air strips or supply depots, and they didn’t go after the government figures. They went after children, grandparents, and families.
It’s the age-old human shield stunt.
Talk about a rock and hard place.
Hamas, and in 2024 that also means “Palestine,” hates the Jews more than they love their own kin—what an indictment of their motives.
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