EU politician lambasts Republicans who voted ‘nay’ on Ukraine bill and labels them ‘traitors’
Call me crazy, but I’d say that the American lawmakers who voted against handing billions of dollars to a corrupt foreign regime so its politicians could ostensibly wage war were doing what was in the best interest of the American people, but apparently Guy Verhofstadt, a Belgian Eurocart has a different take; here are the details, from a Breitbart News report out yesterday:
A leading Eurocrat in Brussels branded Republicans in the U.S. House of Representatives who voted against President Joe Biden’s demands to send billions more of American taxpayer dollars to fund the war in Ukraine as ‘traitors’.
One of the most ardent supporters of the war in Ukraine, former Belgian Prime Minister and current member of the European Parliament, Guy Verhofstadt beamed: ‘America is back where it should be: Supporting Freedom.’
However, the cantankerous Eurocrat added: ‘But I will for my life never forget that in the Republican group – the party of Reagan – a majority of 112 traitors voted against!’
I get it that leftist politicians certainly aren’t the epitome of intellect—Guam is “apparently” at-risk for capsizing, the moon is “apparently” gaseous, and “apparently” it’s almost impossible for humans to get near the sun—but seriously, how can they continue to attach the “traitor” label to political figures who, when in the rarest of instances, act in accordance with their national oaths of loyalty and allegiance?
Do any of these dopes understand the definition of “treason”? Because it sure doesn’t seem like it. Now, Cornell Law School isn’t the most reliable source—the institution completely bungled explaining the Supremacy Clause of the Constitution—but nonetheless, this is at least a decent working definition for “treason”:
Treason refers to the betrayal of one’s own country by attempting to overthrow the government through waging war against the state or materially aiding its enemies.
Again, call me crazy, but out-of-control debt-spending is an act of war, not just against the American people footing the bill and taking the financial hits that trillions in the hole brings, but against every sovereign nation forced to trade in Federal Reserve dollars; D.C. politicians voting “yea” on any spending bill are complicit in bankrupting not only the world, but the nation they’re supposed to be serving too.
They pass the bill, and immediately whip out the Ukrainian flags in the “American” Congress; this scene below seems more treasonous than any “nay” vote:
“The last official act of any government is to loot the treasury.” — George Washington
— Olivia Murray (@americaliv1) April 22, 2024
And, to top it all off, the cherry of hypocrisy:
Despite the tough talk from the top Eurocrat, the EU has been accused of failing to live up to its commitments in Ukraine, with President Volodymyr Zelensky claiming at the end of February that the European Union had only managed to deliver 30 per cent [sic] of its pledged artillery shells to Ukraine.
So…what does that make him?
Image: The Presidential Administration of Ukraine, CC BY 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons, unaltered.