Cultural enrichers show up en masse to NYC council to complain about the taxpayer-funded food as they live in taxpayer-funded shelters and hotels

Can you say entitled?

I guess “beggars can’t be choosers” is only a Judeo-Christian precept, because on Tuesday, the African Arab migrant beggars living off the American taxpayer showed up to a New York City council meeting to complain about the taxpayer-funded food served in taxpayer-funded shelters—the ability to be grateful and positively contribute is apparently not in their repertoire of behaviors.

See the video clip below, shared to X (formerly Twitter) yesterday:



How nice, there’s also a taxpayer-funded translator for whatever language and dialect she’s speaking!

First of all, for the love of all that is good and still American, please leave and never return. Here’s an idea though for these parasitic ingrates with absolutely no right to be in this country, who apparently can’t do much else but complain about what’s being handed to them at no cost: feed yourself, like the very people footing the bill for what you’re being given.

And, they could pay their own way too…like the very people footing the bill for their “free” shelter and housing.

But second of all, the quality of food has diminished everywhere in the U.S. thanks to fiat money backed by nothing, and the inevitable inflation—at this point I must insert a shameless plug for a friend’s work titled, Fiat Food: Why Inflation Destroyed Our Health and How Bitcoin Fixes It which explains the connection in fantastic and thorough detail.

Don’t you just love watching a criminal who first trespassed against you, then stole from you, sit there and lecture you, a taxpaying American footing the bill for their digs and putting food in their bellies (and their children’s), on how what you’re doing isn’t enough? After all, even if you don’t live in New York, you paid for that, because New York receives loads of “assistance” from the federal government, which means dollars gathered from all the other non-New Yorkers.

I mean that’s what these people are, they’re criminals—but they’re sold as cultural enrichers. Yeah, okay.

I have to ask, since these people appear to be sub-Saharan African migrants—are they by chance “refugees” because of famine? After all, when people just like the ones here murdered and banished white farmers from Zimbabwe to South Africa because they felt entitled to what other people had, food insecurity struck the whole sub-Saharan region as those white people were feeding everyone. I sense a few eerie similarities….

And the cultural enrichment continues.

X video screen grab

Image from X.

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