Biden’s Bizarro World: Inflation has become self-aware and ‘it is being stubborn’

Does anyone remember when in 2016, Barack Obama mocked then-candidate Donald Trump over his campaign comments about revitalizing the American economy? Obama painted Trump as a naive and foolish con artist, because this was a complex issue and Trump lacked a “magic wand.”

Well, what Obama either didn’t understand, or at least pretended to not understand—an effort to cover over calculated sabotage, no doubt—is that economic prosperity is perhaps one of the easiest things for any developed nation to achieve. It’s as simple as getting the government out of the market—which is exactly what Trump did when he got into office. Jobs came back at a record pace, industries roared to life once again, and the stock market went through the roof. It’s exactly what Argentina’s Javier Milei has done, creating a nearly-six-hundred-million-dollar budget surplus after a mere 60 days of slashing government “jobs” and rolling back useless programs that would die a quick death if forced to exist on merit.

So why are the above realities...reality? Because the economy is not a sentient being with a mind of its own, it’s an inanimate byproduct of human activity and influence.

But strangely enough, Joe Biden thinks otherwise, and in a recent interview claimed that inflation in the U.S. wasn’t his fault, it was simply being “stubborn.” Here’s the story, from a report by Ian Hanchett at Breitbart News this morning:

During an interview with Nexstar Media that took place on Tuesday and was released on Wednesday, President Joe Biden stated that inflation ‘is being stubborn and not going down to the 2% we need…’

Well what a nightmare! Inflation has become self-aware, and it’s not even a helpful and accommodating little creature, but more like a bratty toddler prone to temper tantrums and emotionality, or a vengeful Skynet inflicting pain on its human counterparts. After all, “stubborn” implies sentience—of course, “stubborn as a mule” comes to mind.

But fear not because Biden’s got a plan on how to deal with this unruly and braying beast:

Elsewhere in the interview, Biden said that raising taxes on the wealthy would raise a lot of revenue, controlling corporate profits will lower the price of things like eggs, and small things make a big impact on ordinary people and that’s what has to be worked on.

Everything is inverted in Biden’s Bizarro World: men are women and women are men; sentient beings become lifeless manipulated marionettes (cough, Biden, cough, cough) and inanimate systems become self-aware (and obstinate) little gremlins; “decency” means half-naked trans-ified freaks twerking on the White House lawn; a drug addict smoking parmesan cheese crumbs he dug out of the carpet is the “smartest guy” among us; destroying domestic gas and oil industries equates to a “crisis averted”; focusing all efforts on tackling “social issues” and promoting perversion and diversity in a military will make it stronger and more lethal; more taxes and government control in the market will lower prices for the people.

What else did I miss?

Image created by Andrea Widburg.

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