Another super-sick sex pervert who got himself a job working with children

One of the things that’s become clear in the past few years is that those people who live on the far end of the LGBTQ+ spectrum (e.g., so-called transgender people and other fetishists) often like to get close to children. Really close. Too close. And honestly, people whose self-identity revolves around the more bizarre extremes of sex should never be allowed near children. Today’s example comes from Spain, where a socialist, gay politician who worked in his local Department of Youth, Children and the Family was revealed to be a coprophiliac—that is, someone who likes eating feces.

When I saw the story in InfoWars, it was so bizarre that I thought maybe InfoWars had been fooled by a Spanish satire site, but I checked, and this story is accurate:

A left-wing Spanish politician who was forced from his post within a town government after footage was revealed of him apparently eating his own feces off the floor, was the head of the local Department of Youth, Children and the Family.


Until March 27, when he was relieved of his duties, Daniel Gómez del Barrio was a representative of the ruling left-wing Spanish Socialist Workers’ Party. Spain’s current prime minister Pedro Sánchez is leader of the party.

Images and videos of del Barrio in various compromising sexual positions, including crawling on all fours and eating what appears to be his own feces, began to circulate on the internet in February after they were posted on social-media accounts and pornographic websites. These images and videos can still readily be found on social media. Don’t say we didn’t warn you.

Spanish news website El Diario described on Thursday how del Barrio “offered himself on social networks as a ‘despicable sexual slave.’ He also openly requested to be “humiliated and used as a urinal.”

If you want to add a profound sense of nausea to your day, you can see unredacted photos of del Barrio’s activities here. This is clearly a deeply sick human being.

Image: Daniel Gomez del Barrio. X screen grab.

The reason that humans across cultures reject eating feces is because it is teeming with dangerous bacteria and, often, parasites. Indeed, I’ve long understood that, under Sharia law, the reason thieves have a hand cut off isn’t for the pain of the punishment and the inconvenience of the result. It’s because they become societal outcasts when they use for eating the same hand they use for wiping.  

Someone who revels in being used as a human toilet should be kept as far from children as possible…yet del Barrio made a bee-line for children. And that’s where so many of the sickest, most delusional, and most disgusting practitioners of extreme sexuality like to go.

Here’s just a sample of recent reports about so-called transgender people and drag queens arrested for allegedly engaging in various forms of child abuse, often sexual:

CANADA: Transgender Pedophile Arrested for Child Pornography Advocated For Childhood “Transitioning”

EXCLUSIVE: Trans Activist “Family Bloggers” Who Lived In Feces-Covered Home Arrested On Charges Of Endangering The Welfare Of Their Child

Trans-Identified Male Arrested After Threatening To Murder Children In Illinois Over Transphobic “Bullying”

UK: Prominent Trans Activist Known For Having Opponents Arrested Has History Of Indecent Assault On 14-Year-Old Boy

UK: Person Who “Identifies As A Woman” Arrested On Charges Of Indecent Exposure, Possessing Child Sexual Abuse Imagery

UK: Drag Queen Who Was Set To Host Welshpool’s First Pride Parade Arrested During Predator Sting

BREAKING: First Openly Transgender State Representative Arrested On Child Pornography Charges

SCOTLAND: “Crossdressing” Butcher Arrested In Case Of Missing Child

“Demi Furry Fox” Arrested On Charges of Kidnapping a 13-Year-Old Boy He Communicated With on Twitter

'Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence' drag queen arrested over child porn allegations in Wisconsin

And yes, it’s true, as this X account routinely points out, that men who are not drag queens or so-called transgender get arrested for child sex crimes, too. But men overall make up roughly 50% of the population, and very few are arrested for pedophilia. Meanwhile, youngish to middle-aged LGBTQ+ sex fetishists make up (at a guess) less than 3-4% of the population but seem very overrepresented in child sex crime arrests. (And no, I can’t find the numbers for their representation in the population, but this suggests a link, as does this.)

Sexual deviants are people who have never matured beyond the ages of 2 through, maybe, 12. For some reason, they got stuck at those developmental phases, which affected their sexuality, everything from the toddler’s obsession with poop to the little boy’s failure to make the proper oedipal separation from his mother. No wonder they’re attracted to children; they are children: big, sick, sexually fixated children.

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