All that Biden student loan forgiveness, and young voters are going for Trump
For Joe Biden, it's got to be maddening.
Day after day, he cooks up another legally questionable student loan forgiveness program, announces it to much fanfare to a fawning media, and all he gets for it is young people moving to vote for President Trump.
According to Politico:
Polls show former President Donald Trump is ascendant with the youngest bloc of the electorate, even leading President Joe Biden in some surveys, as less-engaged young voters spurn Biden. Meanwhile, Biden is stronger with seniors than he was four years ago, even as his personal image is significantly diminished since he was elected last time.
That would be a generational shift: For decades, Democratic presidential candidates have overwhelmingly won young voters, and Republicans have done the same with the other end of the electorate. Poll after poll is showing that’s flipped this year.
The Politico piece attempts to run an equivalency story suggesting that the two voting blocs have switched, but it presents much stronger evidence that young voters are going to Trump.
Just last week, a new NPR/PBS Newshour/Marist College national poll showed Trump 2 points ahead of Biden among Millennial and Gen-Z voters, while Biden led overall among voters 45 years and older, including those in the Silent and Greatest generations.
A Fox News poll last month showed Trump leading Biden among voters under 30 by a whopping 18 points in a head-to-head matchup — and by 21 points with independent and third-party candidates included.
Not every poll shows a perfect age inversion.
Biden is at just 50 percent among voters under 30 in the Wall Street Journal’s national and swing-state polling. While that’s still about 10 points ahead of Trump, it’s a significant decline compared to the 2020 election — and roughly equal to his vote share among seniors, 48 percent.
A Quinnipiac University poll released last week had Biden 20 points ahead of Trump among voters under age 35, close to the president’s margin in 2020 according to exit polls and other estimates of voting subgroups.
In addition, the piece notes that virtually all of the new black and Latino voters in the Trump column are young people.
Seems these student loan forgiveness schemes aren't the magic dog biscuit Biden thinks he can throw to these voters and have them instantly love him.
I'll hazard a guess that young voters are more interested in having an actual future than being on the receiving side of an obvious election-year pander that might get overturned by the courts anyway.
Under Trump, these voters know they've got a future as freedom expands, taxes go down, regulation gets scrapped, and greenie mandates go the way of the Berlin Wall. They'll be able to get married, buy houses, select the job they actually want, build their 401(k)s, and start families.
In any case, many young voters have already taken defensive steps to stay out of student loan debt, from attending trade schools, to taking on employable majors. Others, through dint of hard work, sacrifice, and putting off things they'd like to buy, have paid off their student loan debt and can only watch as those who didn't do the same get their student loans fobbed off onto the taxpayer, which includes them.
The other thing is that these Bidenite student loan forgiveness schemes typically "forgive" the student loan debt of public service workers -- "teachers and firefighters," as Biden claims -- when in reality, most are well-heeled government bureaucrats.
Somehow, these "forgiveness" schemes never include them, just those in favored special interest groups.
Sure, Biden's seeming dementia is a disgust factor for these voters, as it is for many others, with young voters asking themselves if this is the best the country can do. He's like a doddering old principal who's long been out of touch with the reality of the high school, yet still barks out his bad orders.
Related to that, his ally Hillary Clinton's hectoring of young voters probably didn't go over well with them, either. "Get over yourselves," the old hag scolded.
That, plus years of wokery and scoldings in school, where students are told America is a bad country, a fatally flawed country, a racist hellhole, somehow fail to stack up against the millions of migrants they see illegally crossing into the U.S. to get a piece of all that 'badness.' Not only is their country bad, they themselves are bad, at least the males, as well as whites and Asians, which has got to be getting old to them, very fast.
Meanwhile, Trump presents an attractive alternative -- politically incorrect, talks out of turn, offers a future of real prosperity, makes them laugh their heads off, and obviously sharp and quick on his feet like they are.
Who wouldn't want to vote for him as a young person? It makes perfect sense and one hopes that this represents one more group being snatched out from under Joe Biden's nose, hopefully, never to return to the Democrats who hurt them. For Biden and his student-loan forgiveness schemes, handed out one after another like bags of beans thrown to the campesinos for votes, one can only hope that it's driving him bonkers.
Image: Gage Skidmore, via Flickr // CC BY-SA 2.0 DEED