Will you be surprised to learn that the J6 Committee colluded with Fani Willis?

From 1936-1938, Stalin held a series of trials in Moscow that effectively purged his opposition through executions and imprisonment in gulags. We remember them as “show trials” because they were pure theater, without any semblance of due process or justice. The sentences were predetermined political outcomes. We suspected that was the case during Nancy Pelosi’s and Liz Cheney’s January 6 investigation and public hearing, but a damning report proves it: The investigation was corrupt (including meetings with Fani Willis), and the public proceedings were dishonest. Stalin may have died in 1953 in Moscow, but his revenants are still hard at work in America in 2024.

A newly released initial report from the House Subcommittee on Oversight details its investigations and reveals the truth about the January 6 Committee’s corruption, including its conniving with Fani Willis to bring about her RICO case against Donald Trump. You can read the entire initial report here.

The Subcommittee on Oversight also released a one-page PDF, which summarizes the top-line findings based on the evidence the committee discovered. I’ve interlineated the key findings with my commentary:

THE SELECT COMMITTEE WAS DESIGNED TO PROMOTE A POLITICAL NARRATIVE - Pelosi made the unprecedented decision to refuse to appoint minority members chosen by the minority to the Select Committee. They hired Hollywood producers to assist with their primetime hearings. They refused to adopt rules, allowing them to operate without limits, to project their predetermined narrative to the world.

In other words, for the first time in American history, we had a full, Stalin-esque show trial. This should put to rest any doubt that the Democrat party has purged all liberal elements and is now a hardcore totalitarian entity that will do anything to attain and maintain power.

CHENEY WAS VICE CHAIR, A POSITION RESERVED FOR A DEMOCRAT - Cheney was not the minority ranking member but served as Vice Chair of the Select Committee a position under House Rules for a member of the same party as the Chair. Pelosi appointed Cheney to the Select Committee as one of Pelosi's eight majority appointments to the Select Committee. Former Select Committee staff members spoke out against Cheney's insistence that the Select Committee focus on President Trump.

Most obviously, this gave the J6 Committee a superficial appearance of bipartisanship (and shame on Kevin McCarthy for allowing even that fig leaf.) However, at a substantive level, the Committee was constructed to give the most power to those who hated Trump the most—and there is no zealot like an apostate. Cheney, a conservative apostate, was happy to take on the role of Trump’s chief executioner.

THE SELECT COMMITTEE DELETED RECORDS AND HID EVIDENCE - Reps. Thompson and Cheney failed to turn over video recordings of witness interviews and depositions despite using these recordings in their high-profile, primetime hearings. The Subcommittee recovered over one hundred deleted or password-protected files, including some files that were deleted days before Republicans took the majority. They also hid multiple transcribed interviews of witnesses who had firsthand knowledge of Trump's actions on January 6.

What the Subcommittee is describing is something called “spoliation of evidence.” It is a serious crime (emphasis mine):

Whoever knowingly alters, destroys, mutilates, conceals, covers up, falsifies, or makes a false entry in any record, document, or tangible object with the intent to impede, obstruct, or influence the investigation or proper administration of any matter within the jurisdiction of any department or agency of the United States or any case filed under title 11, or in relation to or contemplation of any such matter or case, shall be fined under this title, imprisoned not more than 20 years, or both.

Justice requires that every member of the committee who participated in destroying the documents should be prosecuted under 18 U.S. Code § 1519. I think a nice 20-year prison sentence would be a good reminder that the United States is still a country with the rule of law. (And yes, I know the statute refers to departments or agencies, but Congress should surely have rights to the preservation of its proceedings at least as strong as those in the rest of the government.)

THE SELECT COMMITTEE PROMOTED "STAR WITNESS" HUTCHINSON'S TESTIMONY - Reps. Thompson and Cheney promoted Cassidy Hutchinson's sensational revised testimony and hid witness testimony from White House and Secret Service employees with firsthand knowledge that directly contradicted Hutchinson's version of events. Hutchinson conducted three transcribed interviews with the Select Committee before substantially revising her story in her fourth transcribed interview. Despite knowing how significantly her testimony changed, the Select Committee promoted it as fact.

HUTCHINSON'S SENSATIONAL STORY ABOUT TRUMP LUNGING AT STEERING WHEEL IN SUV AFTER SPEECH AT THE ELLIPSE WAS DIRECTLY REFUTED BY DRIVER OF THE SUV - Reps. Thompson and Cheney were aware that the Secret Service agent driving the SUV on January 6 directly refuted Hutchinson's testimony. Despite this, they still included her testimony in the Final Report and insisted it was credible.

In other words, the J6 Committee members knowingly suborned what was almost certainly perjury and made sure to exclude any contradictory evidence.

THE SELECT COMMITTEE COLLUDED WITH FANI WILLIS - Fulton County District Attorney wrote to the Select Committee seeking assistance with her prosecution of President Trump. Select Committee staff met with representatives from her office.

It’s this last one that’s a kicker. It proves (as if we didn’t already know) that Fani Willis, the Fulton County District Attorney, had no interest in administering justice in her county. Instead, she worked with the Democrat party, both in the White House and in Congress, to file an indictment against the Democrat party’s chief political opponent.

Stalin would be so proud of his American progeny. We constitutional Americans, however, should be horrified and disgusted. And we should vote for Donald Trump so that he can put in place a United States Attorney General who believes in the rule of law and applies it impartially to all who violate that law.

(And please, even if you dislike Trump, don’t cast a “protest vote” for a third-party candidate. Protests ended with the primaries. This is now a completely binary election: Either Biden wins, or Trump wins…and if you throw away a vote for Trump, you’re ensuring a win for the radicals pulling Biden’s strings.)

Image: AI reimagines the J6 Committee as zombies, which seems about right, given that they are Stalin’s living dead.

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