VIDEO: The President of Guyana absolutely wrecks a smug BBC reporter over climate change

Up until today, when I thought about Guyana, in Latin America, I thought about Jim Jones and the People’s Temple, and about the day in 1978 when 909 of his followers, in thrall to his cult visions, drank (and, sometimes, were forced to drink) poisoned Kool-Aid. It was one of the largest mass murder-suicides in history. Now, though, I think about Mohamed Irfaan Ali, the President of Guyana, who refused to let a smug, arrogant BBC reporter force climate change guilt and madness on Ali or his country.

One of the things I try to do here at American Thinker is add value to the news by offering my commentary. (I know leftists and even many conservatives don’t think I actually add value, but it’s still my goal.) However, I really have nothing to add to what Ali has to say when the BBC reporter presses him to bow down to climate madness, only to have Ali throw the reporter’s and the climate scams’ hypocrisy right back. It’s awesome.

Climate cultism is no better than Jim Jones’s apocalyptic rhetoric. It shares with Jones’s theology two core concepts: hostility to traditional Western freedoms (limited government and free markets) and suicidal ideations.

Perhaps Ali, having come of age in the shadow of Jim Jones, knows Kool-Aid drinking madness when he sees it. All I can say is that we need more of this moral courage…and I say that without knowing a single other thing about Ali or his politics. And just for today, even if it happens to be true, don’t burst my bubble by telling me that Guyana is another poorly-run socialist hellhole in Latin America. I want to cherish the good feelings this video moment engendered.

Image: X screen grab.

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