The leading ‘scientific’ agency behind so-called transgenderism allegedly knew its ‘treatments’ could be dangerous and ineffective
On Monday, Michael Shellenberger’s organization, Environmental Progress (“EP”), published a report that may end the trans movement. It obtained what it says are leaked files from WPATH—the World Professional Association of Transgender Health—which has set the standard of so-called “care” for so-called “transgenderism” across America. These files reveal that the people behind WPATH were allegedly aware of evidence showing that their recommendations were unhelpful and dangerous.
The title, subtitle, and lede of Mia Hughes’s 242-page report spell out the claim that leaked documents show that WPATH was guided by ideology—the desire to legitimize alleged “transgenderism”—rather than by sound scientific analysis, medical practices, and concern for patient well-being (especially child well-being):
The WPATH Files
Pseudoscientific Surgical and Hormonal Experiments on Children, Adolescents, and Vulnerable Adults
World Professional Association of Transgender Health (WPATH) members demonstrate a lack of consideration for long-term patient outcomes despite being aware of the debilitating and potentially fatal side effects of cross-sex hormones and other treatments
I’ve embedded at the end of this post Michael Shellenberger’s Twitter thread providing a summary of the report’s contents. In the thread, after explaining the genesis of the WPATH Files project and his decision to publish, Shellenberger provides just a sampling of the documents and videos that would lead most people to believe that WPATH is not a serious scientific/medical organization. Instead, it comes across as an ideological machine that will do anything to advance the concept that so-called “transgenderism” is real (rather than a form of body dysphoria) and that dangerous chemicals and mutilating surgery can, in fact, magically change people into the opposite sex.
Image created from Michael Shellenberger’s X thread.
Incidentally, after looking at the materials available from the American Academy of Pediatricians, which is the US’s premier pediatric association, setting the agenda for how American children receive medical treatment, I’ve been arguing for years that there is no science behind the claims that there are “transgender” children who need specialized medical treatment. Instead, every piece of material I could find in the AAP database (which I last checked in June 2023) is bootstrapping based upon the assumption that “transgenderism” is real.
In 1841, Charles Mackay published a book with a title that rings down through the ages: Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds. In the book, Mackay examined economic bubbles (e.g., the South Sea Bubble or Tulip Mania), the Crusades, witch mania, and alchemy.
What we’ve had playing out in the West for the past six decades, and with increasing speed and ferocity over the past decade, is akin in its madness to the infamous “children’s crusade” in 1212. Today, there are quibbles about the details: Was it, as long believed, a Pope-led, trans-European children’s crusade? Or, per revisionists, was it a movement of ordinary French and German people, including thousands of children, who got entangled in the mystical visions of two children and took off for the Holy Land?
The core facts are clear, though: In thrall to an utterly unrealistic belief that civilians, including children, could travel thousands of miles on foot and then defeat Muslim armies, thousands of children abandoned their homes, with large numbers dying or barely surviving.
Today, it’s equally clear that fanatic ideologues used children to push their beliefs, regardless of the children’s safety, leading to children dying or being permanently mutilated. Thousands of adults have also suffered the physical and mental cruelty of so-called “transing” procedures. What’s really awful is that those who are mentally ill are not getting that illness treated, while the “extraordinary popular delusion and the madness of leftist crowds (especially teachers)” has driven many otherwise mentally healthy children to madness.
It’s to be hoped that these revelations will put the brakes on a profoundly destructive movement.
Why I Am Publishing WPATH Files And How I Got Them
— Michael Shellenberger (@shellenberger) March 4, 2024
The written WPATH Files come from WPATH’s member discussion forum, which runs on software provided by DocMatter.
Ninety seconds of the 82-minute video was made public last year. We are making the full video available for the…
“14 year old trans female who started transition since she was 4… wants to have Gender Affirming Surgery”
— Michael Shellenberger (@shellenberger) March 4, 2024
“It is very difficult to ask that they wait until age 16...”
— Michael Shellenberger (@shellenberger) March 4, 2024
“To what degree… providers discuss actual rates of surgical complications… (e.g., pain…additional surgeries, necrotic tissue, infection, hematomas…”
— Michael Shellenberger (@shellenberger) March 4, 2024
Many young patients experiencing gender distress do not appear to understand that they may suffer serious consequences from…
“Most of the kids are nowhere in any kind of brain space to really talk about it seriously.”
— Michael Shellenberger (@shellenberger) March 5, 2024
One WPATH member says, “It's out of their developmental range sometimes to understand the extent to which some of these medical interventions are impacting them.”
“We try to talk about…
“In a developmentally delayed 13yo… what is the ethical approach?”
— Michael Shellenberger (@shellenberger) March 5, 2024
The situation of obtaining informed consent is complicated further when the adolescents are also developmentally delayed and, in the case below, “may not reach the emotional and cognitive developmental bar set”…
“I’m unaware of an individual claiming ability to orgasm when they were blocked at Tanner 2.”
— Michael Shellenberger (@shellenberger) March 5, 2024
Many gender medicine patients lose sexual function, including experiencing orgasm. As such, they are not only deprived of sexual pleasure, they are significantly undermining their…
Part II: Mental Illness
— Michael Shellenberger (@shellenberger) March 5, 2024
“A Patient Who Became Dangerous”
On an unknown date, a San Francisco-based surgeon named Thomas Satterwhite posted an urgent new message to WPATH’s internal message board.
“I had a patient who became dangerous/threatening to our care team post-op,” he…
“Disordered eating,” “purposeful malnutrition,” and a “high prevalence of eating disorders”
— Michael Shellenberger (@shellenberger) March 5, 2024
A therapist raises concerns in a message about the age of a patient.
“I have an incoming 13yo (soon to be 14 yo)... I was under the impression that is more the exception to start for…
“...I was surprised to find that several of my clients met criteria for dissociative disorders...”
— Michael Shellenberger (@shellenberger) March 5, 2024
“...I have noted a high incidence of dissociative disorders...”
— Michael Shellenberger (@shellenberger) March 5, 2024
“In the last 15 years, I had to regrettably decline writing only one letter, mainly b/c the person evaluated was in active psychosis and hallucinated during the assessment session...”
— Michael Shellenberger (@shellenberger) March 5, 2024
Part III: Ethics
— Michael Shellenberger (@shellenberger) March 5, 2024
“I’m not aware of any other medical procedure that requires the approval of a therapist.”
Frequently, WPATH members push back against “gatekeeping,” including the requirement for sound mental health before undergoing a lifelong regime of drugs and surgery.
“Patients need to own and take active responsibility for medical decisions, especially those that have potentially permanent effects."
— Michael Shellenberger (@shellenberger) March 5, 2024
There is evidence within the WPATH Files of WPATH members, as well as its president, Marci Bowers, blaming their victims.
“What has been currently happening is, frankly, not what we need to be doing, ethically.”
— Michael Shellenberger (@shellenberger) March 5, 2024
As we saw above, many WPATH members waive away the evidence of medical mistreatment.
But others appear genuinely concerned by the lack of informed consent.
A therapist describes talking…
— Michael Shellenberger (@shellenberger) March 5, 2024