Pro-Hamas protesters attacking St. Patrick’s Easter Mass reveal a global jihad
On September 11, 2001, Muslim terrorists attacked the Twin Towers and the Pentagon and would have attacked Congress were it not for the brave people on United Flight 93. They immediately killed 2,977 people, with untold others dying later from injuries, such as lung ailments and cancer. For one brief moment, Americans understood that Islam was engaged in an existential war against the West. That’s a war that began in the early Middle Ages and has continued in fits and starts since then. The latest hot front in that war is Israel, but make no mistake: This is a global jihad, as today’s attack on the St. Patrick’s Easter Mass proves.
Islamic jihad is not confined to any specific group or geography. It truly is global and always has been. It spreads, not through proselytizing, but through fire and sword. As this video shows, the jihad has been very effective over the centuries:
Islam is an equal opportunity hater. It’s estimated to have killed around 90 million Hindus over the centuries. Islam wiped out all but of a few small pockets of the world’s oldest Christian communities in the Middle East. The Spanish repulsed it on Europe’s west in 1492, but Islam came at Europe from the east and was only stopped at the gates of Vienna in 1683. Since then, Islam has returned to Europe through legal and illegal immigration.
And of course, since the Jews refused to recognize Mohamed as their leader, genocidal Jewish hatred is baked into the Koran on Mohammed’s direct orders. Unsurprisingly, Hitler and Islam were a match made in Heaven:
I didn’t know this. Wow.
— Marina Medvin 🇺🇸 (@MarinaMedvin) March 22, 2024
Because Mohamed specifically targeted all Jews for death because some rejected him, Islam’s greatest ferocity is for Jews. Forced conversion is not an option as it is for Christians and Hindus. Death is the only choice. No wonder, then, that Israel has been in the Islamic crosshairs.
The Islamic war on Israel allows people to forget the lesson of 9/11: It’s not just the Jews; for Islam, whether Sunni or Shia, it’s everyone. In Iran, which is the beating heart of today’s Islamic militarism, Israel is only the “Little Satan.” It’s America that is the “Great Satan,” for it is the modern emblem of the Enlightenment, Christian West. In that regard, Islam aligns perfectly with leftism, which also hates the Enlightenment and Christianity. Events since October 7 have made these hatreds and their alliance very clear.
Following October 7, the combined wrath of leftism and Islam against Israel unleashed itself across the West—and leftists across the West happily cooperated. The Biden administration isn’t Muslim, but its leftism means that it’s made common cause with Islam by abandoning Israel. (And yes, I understand that, reluctantly, it’s still selling ammunition to Israel, but it’s doing everything else it can to undermine her, whether in the White House, Congress, or the UN.)
In academia, a hotbed of leftism, anti-Israel sentiment is ascendant in the administrative offices, classrooms, dorms, and campus common areas. On every American campus, Israel, which was the subject of a genocidal military attack but responded with the greatest humanitarian efforts ever achieved by an army attacking an enemy, is demonized as the new Nazi.
In cities across Europe, we see the same: Europe is socialist, and it’s been flooded with Muslim immigrants since the 1960s. The result is a ferocious antisemitism infecting every aspect of European life—politics, education, public discourse, etc.
However, many in America, including conservatives, continue to believe that what they’re seeing is limited to Israel. They believe that if we ignore or disassociate from Israel, this will all go away. They’re wrong. It won’t. As I said at the top of this post, what we’re seeing is the hot front, not the only front, in the Islamist war against the West.
If you doubt me, just look at what happened in New York during Easter Mass at St. Patrick’s Cathedral, the holiest service of the Christian year. St. Patrick’s is not an Israel redoubt. It has not been on the frontline of advocating for pro-Israel policies. Instead, as a church, it is another enemy of Islam and Leftism:
Protesters calling for a cease-fire in Gaza interrupted a Saturday night Easter Mass at St. Patrick’s Cathedral, chanting “Free, free Palestine” before being removed from the service.
Thousands of pro-Palestine demonstrators gathered in Times Square earlier Saturday before some headed to the Easter Vigil service at St. Patrick’s, where their chants of “Free, free Palestine” could be heard during the second reading of the service.
At least some of the protesters were with Extinction Rebellion NYC’s Palestinian Solidarity group and carried a flag with an olive tree and the words “SILENCE = DEATH” written across it.
Hamas interrupts Easter observance at St. Patrick's Cathedral.
— @amuse (@amuse) March 31, 2024
During the Cold War, we understood that, whether in the Far East, Latin America, or Africa, each battle, usually fought by proxies, related to a global war, the outcome of which would determine whether the world’s citizens were slaves or free men. Today, we’re again engaged in that fight, but we refuse to see it. Despite leftists and Islamists making it quite clear that the West is another front in the same war Israel is waging, too many people refuse to remember the lesson of 9/11.
Image: X screen grab.