No 'Flamin' Hot Cheetos' for you: California Democrats take aim at Stuff Black People Like again


What is it about Democrats and their abnormal interest in "bettering" black people, for their own good, of course, by banning everything they like?

We saw it with their bizarre obsession with banning menthol cigarettes which are known to be popular with black people.

Now they're coming for their 'Flamin' Hot Cheetos.'

According to the Los Angeles Times:

The days of Flamin’ Hot Cheetos in California schools may be numbered.

A new bill aims to ban from public schools food products that contain artificial dyes, including the ingredient that makes Cheetos pop with their signature yellow and red colors.

Lawmakers argue that developing young minds are harmed by the chemical ingredients and that federal guidelines have not been updated in decades.

Assembly Bill 2316 takes aim at six synthetic food dyes — blue 1, blue 2, green 3, red 40, yellow 5 and yellow 6 — as well as coloring agent titanium dioxide, ingredients commonly used to artificially tint foods including candy, as well as drinks and some medications and vitamins.

Red 40 and yellow 6 are found in Takis, Doritos and Flamin’ Hot Cheetos, the main culprits that turn snack lovers’ fingers a powdery crimson. 

No Flamin' Hot Cheetos for you!

Flamin' Hot Cheetos may sound gross to most of us, but among the young, the blacks, and the Latinos, those snacks sing. Sure, plenty of whites and people of all races like them. But they are very popular among blacks.

They've sung rap songs about them. They've made movies. They've made hoodies featuring the snack. They've made modern art with them. They've even used them as a hedge against Michelle Obama's "nasty, rotty" school cafeteria food which is supposed to be "good for you."

Remember this?

It’s lunchtime at Van Nuys High School and students stream into the cafeteria to check out the day’s fare: black bean burgers, tostada salad, fresh pears and other items on a new healthful menu introduced this year by the Los Angeles Unified School District.

But Iraides Renteria and Mayra Gutierrez don’t even bother to line up. Iraides said the school food previously made her throw up, and Mayra calls it “nasty, rotty stuff.” So what do they eat? The juniors pull three bags of Flamin’ Hot Cheetos and soda from their backpacks.

“This is our daily lunch,” Iraides says. “We’re eating more junk food now than last year.”

Based on their names, those kids are probably Mexican, but don't imagine that these things aren't popular among black students, too:

Flamin’ Hot Cheetos is not only ubiquitous among many snackers, but it’s also a cultural phenomenon that has inspired art, rap videos, fashion and menu items at restaurants.

They may sound godawful to those of us who didn't grow up with them, but people like what they like and they are going to get what they like, particularly when a ban on them is unreasonable. The California lawmakers say they are proposing the ban because the FDA isn't banning the product for them, quite possibly because there isn't anything harmful in them, but that doesn't stop them from going all Soup Nazi on the black kids.

Don't imagine for one minute that whites don't have godawful snack favorites, too. And of course, based on the obesity epidemic, it's not confined to kids nor particular races.

But somehow, the Stuff Black People Like always seems to make the list of things Democrats would like to ban. First menthol cigarettes, now Flamin' hot Cheetos.

The article hastens to add that it's only the food dye they're upset about, and not the Cheetos themselves.

“This is not going to ban for sale in the state of California any of these foods,” [state assemblymember Jesse] Gabriel [D-Encino] said Tuesday during a news conference touting the bill. “This is not a food ban. This is not banning Flamin’ Hot Cheetos in California.”

It's a food ban.

And instead of banning all junk food, they specifically single out black (and Latino) people's favorite junk food. There is more junk food out there than anyone can shake a stick at, but somehow, just the favorites of black people and other ethnic minorities gets the proposed ban.

The natural consequence of this is that people will continue to eat the junk food they like, ban or no ban, except that they will now get it from the black market. I wrote about a black kid I knew in Lake Elsinore who did just that, selling her Flamin' hot Cheetos out of her backpack when the things became unavailable owing to "good for you" rules. She was an enterprising little tyke.

Black people get singled out for these bans and some enterprising ones will always find a way around it.

But what does this say about Democrats who like to ban things black people like?

If I were black, I'd never vote for one, given their grotesque fascination with taking away every little pleasure they like, all for the Mrs. Grundy reasons of 'for their own good' while ignoring the vices and guilty pleasures found among whites?

Based on President Trump's growing popularity with black voters, there seem to be black people who are noticing this.

Image: Calgary Review, via Flickr // CC BY 2.0 DEED


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