In Cook County, the Chicago Way recrudesces for the prosecutor's race
Another mail-ballot election, another trove of "found" ballots, which is what we see in a local race for Chicago's state's attorney (or prosecutor) between two Democrats.
According to WLS, an ABC News affiliate:
CHICAGO (WLS) -- The gap between the two Democratic contenders vying to be the next Cook County state's attorney got smaller as election judges continued to count votes Sunday, nearly a week after the Illinois primary.
The Chicago Board of Elections has admitted to a mistake as the city awaits the outcome of the Democratic primary race for Cook County state's attorney.
The board said it is working to add more than 10,000 votes to its total count after its director of public information said he mistakenly left out some vote-by-mail ballots.
American elections are getting quite a reputation for this. Every third world country on the planet can count its ballots in one night, but somehow, the U.S. always takes at least a week, and always has "errors" like troves of "found" ballots.
The other thing is that these "errors" happen only when the race is really close:
Meanwhile, Eileen O'Neill Burke is leading Clayton Harris III by just over 2,000 votes.
O'Neill Burke has 259,445 votes, and Harris has 257,430 votes.
I don't know who these two Democrats are, but odds are, both are left-wing.
However, one may be more Soros-y liberal than the other and more eager to carry on the Kim Foxx let-'em-all-out legacy, who is the official they're running to replace.
Let me guess: The tougher-on-crime one is ahead in the polls, and when the final tally is taken from those 10,000 "found" ballots, the candidate who takes the winner's crown will be the other one.
A Google search shows that that is exactly the set-up we are starting to see.
According to a NewsNation report dated March 19, 2024:
All candidates have been critical of how Foxx’s office has handled crime in Chicago and its surrounding suburbs.
O’Neill Burke has worked as a judge, prosecutor and defense attorney in her career and has also been openly critical of Foxx.
For example, O’Neil Burke promises to end Foxx’s policy on retail theft, returning to the state’s standard of felony charges for anything over $300.
Harris, meanwhile, believes the current $1,000 threshold put in place by Foxx should remain.
“People, rightly so, are worried about their safety. So we talk about that. We talk about the smash-and-grabs, we talk about the crash-and-grabs and we are going to talk about how we approach organized crime,” Harris said.
Of Chicago's out-of-control crime, the Democrat who's behind, but soon to be ahead with all those 'found' mail-in ballots, says of crime "let's talk about it," instead of: 'let's kill it.'
What a reassuring future for Chicago.
And what a rigged election.
The left introduced mail-in voting on claims that they would increase voter turnout, being all in for the participatory democracy thing as they call it.
What's the turnout in this Chicago primary election?
A whopping 7.7 percent.
Even for a primary, that's insanely low, lower than even the 9% range turnout in California's "dead zones" where voter turnout is low because so much of the population is here illegally and technically cannot vote.
Turnout starts out high in these matters, as we saw in 2020's COVID election, but falls sharply as voters recognize that their votes don't count because the entire election is rigged for one candidate. Who wants to participate in that?
As one expert told WLS, these shenanigans are having an impact:
"It throws questions into the integrity of our elections in general," Nisbet said. "Basically, since 2020, since the advent of what's been called the 'Big Lie,' a large percentage of Americans have been skeptical of elections."
Well, yeah.
Because while third world countries manage to get all of their votes counted on election night, having the planning, the procedure, and the simple system for counting all the ballots in one night, the deep-blue cities of the U.S., touting themselves in Panglossian style as the most democratic in the best of all possible worlds, still can't get it together in a mere city primary election with 7.7% turnout.
There's always a mistake, and the correction of that mistake always leads to the Soros-y candidate getting the victory.
And what a coincidence, the vote counters, such as the secretaries of state and other offices where votes are tallied, are typically Soros-financed.
It's getting to be a nightmare, a land of election "mistakes" and "found" ballots characterizing every single election in the cities and states that bill themselves the most democratic in the world. By 'democratic,' they mean "Democrat," and that's clear enough.
So now expect the worst as Chicago's Way rears its ugly head again in Chicago, another questionable election run by incompetents who never pay a price for their "mistakes" as fewer and fewer voters cast ballots in such a now-internationally recognized farce. It would be nice to see a law passed that any county clerk or secretary of state who makes these kinds of "mistakes" is canned on the spot.
But this is Chicago, and let's face it, those in power there like their elections this way.
Image: Casey and Sonja, via Wikimedia Commons // CC BY-SA 2.0 DEED