In a depressing world, Wayne Allyn Root sees a Trumpian miracle developing
The news is depressing: Our economy is stagnant or failing, our border is broken, our ostensible president is a hard-left, dementia-riddled puppet, the Middle East is aflame, Ukraine sucks up our wealth and military matériels, China is rising, racial schisms fracture our nation, our children are targets of institutionalized sexual predators, and Donald Trump is facing unprecedented civil and criminal lawfare. However, sometimes, things must get really bad for people to react, and this reaction has Wayne Allyn Root seeing something miraculous happening: The nation is consolidating behind Donald Trump.
Root, a former Vegas oddsmaker, is famous for making money off of smart predictions and being a relentless but still pragmatic optimist. In other words, he’s not a mindless Candide who perpetually insists that we’re living in the “best of all possible worlds,” even as everything collapses around us. Instead, he looks at the evidence and, when possible, sees positive outcomes.
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And when it comes to Trump’s status as the inevitable Republican candidate, Root is seeing a very positive outcome. After detailing how every powerful institution in America is actively working against Trump, Root argues that Trump is not falling under the pressure of those onslaughts. Instead, he is triumphing:
Yet after all of that, President Trump holds the lead over Joe Biden in virtually every national poll; leads in every battleground state that determines the election; leads among Generation Z (the youngest voters); and in some polls leads among Latino and black males. A recent poll showed Trump leading among Jewish voters in New York state.
Root then closes with two anecdotes (and I know they’re not evidence, but they are compelling) that should cheer you immensely. I urge you to read the essay to put a smile on your face.
And now my two cents. What Root is seeing is a trend line. If you ever listen to the brilliant, eclectic Scott Adams, one of the things he says is that one should always watch for trends. If you don’t get hooked on specific data points or statistics but watch the way the wind is consistently blowing, you’ll get a sense of who are the winners and the losers.
It’s not just that blacks and Jews are beginning to turn on Biden. What we’re also witnessing are judges starting to stamp out extremism, whether from the parties before them or, in the case of appellate courts, from activist judges. Judges are political animals (especially leftist judges) and, whether we like it or not, they will respond to political trends. If they see that the nation is consolidating behind Trump, they will not want to put their imprimatur on dubious (at best) court rulings that seek to deny the majority of American people the ability to vote for the presidential candidate of their choice.
Exhibit A may be that the Supreme Court, on Wednesday, said that it would take up Trump’s claim that he is immune from prosecution, throwing a serious wrench in the Democrats’ efforts to take Trump out before the election. Jonathan Turley, a serious legal analyst, explains how helpful this is for Trump:
“The real victory here for Trump deals with the calendar,” Turley told “Special Report” host Bret Baier. “You know, the overriding push of Smith, the special counsel, has been to get a trial before the election. He is running out of runway. If this opinion doesn’t come out until June, perhaps, you have to remember that even if Smith wins, the mandate goes back to the district court, which has to handle all the pre-trial motions. That could take months.”
In practical terms, the Supreme Court is ensuring that the People, not a manifestly biased judicial system, get to say whether Trump should lead this nation. Even hard leftists understand this. The Hollywood types are melting down, while a more astute leftist like Andrew Weissman (who has abused his prosecutorial power against Trump and his supporters) bemoans that the Court “is essentially saying that [Trump] is de facto immune” and that “the DC case is now on life support.”
Meanwhile, in Pennsylvania, the plaintiff in a case accusing Trump and two local GOP poll watchers of defamatory statements regarding election fraud has withdrawn the suit. Maybe it got too expensive. Maybe the evidence showed that truth is a defense. It doesn’t matter. What matters is that the withdrawal reflects a turning tide.
This is why Root is optimistic and why you should be optimistic, too. Of course, optimism doesn’t mean being the hare in Aesop’s fable; that is, assuming victory and ceasing all effort.
Instead, it means working harder than ever to ensure this positive trend continues until it is an unstoppable force. That force means that, in 2024, we elect a president, a Congress, state legislatures, city councils, and school boards that honor the Constitution and laws of the United States, support our true allies and stand up against our real enemies, protect our children, and truly Make America Great Again.