Hochul, Bragg, James, and Adams tried to muscle in on slain officer's funeral and it didn't end well for them
While most Democrats were focused on Joe Biden's $25 million three-president fundraiser at Radio City Music Hall, New York's local pols had other political operations to tend.
According to the New York Post:
Gov. Kathy Hochul was filmed being confronted by an emotional mourner on her way out of a short visit to the wake for slain NYPD hero Jonathan Diller Friday afternoon – with bystanders applauding as she made her exit.
The unidentified man dressed in a black suit gestured firmly and was visibly agitated as he spoke to the Democratic lawmaker, according to footage of the incident.
The tense clash received support from a group of onlookers gathered outside the venue, who clapped as the mourner as the blank-faced governor shuffled back to her car.
Now this wasn't actually a case of distraught relatives being ungracious to a visiting dignitary with only the best intentions.
The slain officer, who had a young wife and baby, was murdered in cold blood by a dirtbag with 21 prior arrests and no serious jailtime for any of his violent crimes. He shouldn't have been allowed to roam the streets at all, but far-left officials in New York's prosecutial and political offices have no problem letting them out to prey on more people, along with no serious concern about the murders that come of it.
But it was worse than atrocious and lethal politics alone. It was also about their personal behavior.
Hochul's attendence at the funeral was a disgusting muscle move, horning in on a grieving family's private funeral for political purposes, according to additional reporting from Fox News. She asked to come to the funeral, then was asked to wait outside until the open-casket event was concluded, same as other non-family members, and then pushed her way into that part of the funderal to intrude on the family's last private moments with their slain loved one.
See this Fox News video report here:
Three other New York leftist leaders got in on the act, too -- District Attorney Alvin Bragg, New York State Attorney Leticia James, and New York City Mayor Eric Adams.
James asked to speak at the funeral, as if she actually cared about this guy, and got told no.
Adams and Bragg actually turned up at the funeral and asked to speak, too, prompting complaints and confrontations from grieving family members. Bragg knew enough to keep his mouth shut and get away from that scene but Adams babbled on.
Each did one disgusting acts of self-aggrandisement for their own political prospects, on the backs of grieving and unwilling family members. Rather than vow to stop criminals from preying on the innocent, they sought to make it look like their soft-on-crime, let-'em-all-out policies were working and had the support of local law enforcement. They didn't, so they got told off, which hasn't really happened until these past few years, starting with officers turning their backs on woke politicians, but now coming to full-out tell-offs.
It shows how shameless this ruling political class has gotten, imposing bad policies on the public and then having the nerve to try to show that lawmen were just hunky dory with them, using grieving family members of the slain as their vehicle. It takes raw, naked, chutzpah to do that, and this political class has it, wanting to have the cake of Soroism, and the eating of police officers who pay the ultimate price.
It's not working now, and that's a sign of how far things have slid.