Geraldo Rivera damns Biden with faint praise, creating the ultimate Biden campaign slogan

I’ve always loved the expression “damned with faint praise,” a concept that has its roots in antiquity. Way back in the early 2nd century, Favorinus, a Roman writer, opined that “It is more shameful to be praised faintly and coldly than to be censured violently.” Geraldo Rivera might have done well to think about that before he came up with the ultimate faint praise for Joe Biden, something that establishes irrefutably that Biden has nothing to offer America but the fetid breaths he manages to wheeze out of his fragile, ailing body.

As we’ve covered here, Joe Biden’s State of the Union address did not inspire confidence. He didn’t deliver a statesmanlike speech to the American people, one in which he talked about where we were last year, where we are now, and where he hopes to lead us in the future.

Instead, Biden offered a manic rant about, among other things, our obligations to Ukraine, America’s allegedly nationalist fifth column, his Hitler-esque opponent, the imaginary wonders of the Biden economy, the need for unlimited abortion, and the underhanded gift he’s giving Hamas thanks to its massacre of the Jewish people. Along the way, Biden threatened the Supreme Court and lied a great deal, all while the trained Democrat seals in attendance hollered “four more years,” thereby probably violating the Hatch Act and House ethics rules.

Biden delivered all these weird pronouncements, attacks, and lies at top volume and warp speed, hollering like a hopped-up junkie on the street corner of a Democrat-run city, complete with intermittent mumbled incoherencies. Watching the man with the nuclear codes behave this way was uncomfortable and not a little frightening.

But it was this energy that—as was intended—caught his supporters’ attention. “See,” they all crowed. “Biden isn’t too old. He’s energetic!”

But honestly…how much traction can you get from a bumper sticker that says, “Vote for Biden. He’s energetic”? It took the inimitable Geraldo “Al Capone’s Vault” Rivera to find the right phrase to sum up what Joe Biden brings to his candidacy:

That’s it! “Joe Biden: He ain’t dead…yet!” That’ll get voters to the polls. I can see the campaign posters already:

If this is the best that Democrats can say of their walking-dead candidate, a man who always seems as if he is always in imminent danger of keeling over, that certainly helps Trump. However, as Glenn Reynolds is fond of saying, “don’t get cocky.” Even Biden’s decrepitude and his own party’s inability to sing his praises in ringing tones doesn’t mean he’s without advantages heading into November.

The RNC has done almost nothing to control election fraud, the media still exert control over American minds, Biden has shown a fascistic willingness to use the police and lawfare to destroy his opponent, and conservatives (as always) are fractious, with too many unwilling to recognize that the presidential election is binary. No matter what they think of Trump, if they don’t vote for him, Biden wins and, after all, he ain’t dead…yet.

Images by Andrea Widburg

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