Gallup finds that around 25% of Gen Z identifies on the ‘queer’ spectrum

Disturbing new data from Gallup reinforces the validity of the traditional position on families—the more we drift from the healthy nuclear structure of America’s yesteryear, the more depressed and confused our youth become. Per Gallup’s recent findings, around 1/4 of Gen Z Americans (22.3%) put themselves somewhere on the queer spectrum.

Here’s Brittany Hughes’s take, from Media Research Center:

The latest Gallup poll found that the percentage of American adults who self-identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or otherwise ‘queer’ skyrocketed to an all-time high of 7.6 percent in 2023, up from roughly 3 percent in the early 2000s. Of those, the greatest increase by leaps and bounds was seen among Gen Zers, the most recent generation to have achieved legal adulthood.

And, because women are generally the more emotional of the two sexes, this trend is disproportionate:

Of Gen Z adults who said they identified as LGBTQ, women were nearly three times as likely as men to self-label themselves as something other than heterosexual or identifying with their biological gender.

According to Hughes, that “nearly three times” amplified number equates to “nearly 30 percent” of Gen Z women who are between the ages of 18 and 26.

Would you be surprised to learn that a large portion of these same Gen Z females are more at-risk for suicide than females of the same age of previous generations? From Forbes:

Teen suicide is more common in Gen Z girls compared to previous generations: Suicide rates for girls 15 to 19 in Gen Z is 5.1 per 100,000….

And, per the pro-LGBTQ Trevor Project, “LGBTQ+ young people are more than four times as likely to attempt suicide than their peers” which per the organization, works out to be 41% of the group. The Project asserts the high rates of depression and suicide are because these people are “stigmatized” by society, which requires a fingers-in-the-ears while saying “la-la-la-la I can’t hear you” mindset because obviously, the LGBTQ++ crowd is the most celebrated protected class in America—on the contrary, it’s really just a condemnation of the left’s anti-West immorality.

The growing increase of LGBTQ+ identified people, as well as the horrendously high rate of depression and suicide amongst these people, is directly related to the breakdown of the family unit. Would you be surprised to learn that the generation of people who report the most “frequent feelings of childhood loneliness” (Gen Z) also suffers from “the greatest increase” in identity crises, abnormal sexual orientations, and ideations of suicide? From the American Enterprise Institute:

Gen Zers are far more likely to have been raised in single-parent households.

New findings from the American National Family Life Survey show that Americans raised in single-parent homes are more likely to report having felt lonely growing up than those raised in two-parent households. They’re also more likely to miss out on formative experiences, such as daily family meals, an activity that has been associated with lower rates of depression.

Missing the love, acceptance, and security that really only two parents can provide, it’s all entirely predictable. Then, to add to the mix the social media and the nihilism of a “secular” society, etc., it’s a nightmare for our youth—of course, this all supports the revelation that society is growing “increasingly narcissistic” with each new generation, “rising as fast as obesity” per some academic research.

We conservatives have emphasized this all along, and the greatest thing one can do for their country is having children and raising them right—patriotism and a love for America and her values start at home.

Image: Free image, Pixabay license, no attribution required.

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