Finnish study: ‘Social justice’ warriors more ‘anxious’ and ‘depressed’ than their non-woke counterparts

Here’s more news that isn’t news: a new academic study conducted by Finnish researchers found that being a wokester dedicated to “social justice” means a person has “poorer mental health and overall happiness levels.” From an article by Tierin-Rose Mandelburg at NewsBusters yesterday:

A study conducted by psychological researchers in Finland and published in the Scandinavian Journal of Psychology suggests that individuals who have a commitment to wokeness have poorer mental health and overall happiness levels.

The study surveyed 5,000 adult participants in Finland and found that those who are ‘woke’ are more depressed, have more anxiety and lack happiness. As reported, ‘Being more anxious and depressed and less happy was more pronounced in’ those who consider social justice to be a huge issue.

So wait, you’re telling me the people who often claim to be trapped in the wrong body and place themselves on the “queer” spectrum… often have abnormal and harmful sexual propensities… believe that self-mutilation is actually healthcare and will alleviate distressing responses to seeing one’s own reflection in the mirror… are usually super fat and only eat processed food… largely avoid committed relationships and murder their own children because “sexual liberation” or something… and whose lives consistent of scrolling on social media and watching endless shows on streaming services are the most unhappy? (Of course, the “no s–t Sherlock” quip comes to mind.)

Now all of that is the fallout of their personal philosophy, which as this study narrowed down is “social justice” or wokism—but why do the above mentioned realities reliably accompany the “woke” outlook on life? Well, because “social justice” begets narcissism, and narcissism begets misery.

Wokesters are the most self-obsessed people in the world, parroting (and living by) one self-centered slogan after another (my body my choice, you do you, live your truth, self-care and self-love, etc.).

Again, I always come back to this: reality is objective, but more importantly so is morality, whether you like it or not, and whether you acknowledge it or not. And, indulging in selfishness, hedonism, or pride, is a guaranteed recipe for misery; a disciplined life lived in service to others, is a happy life, which is the very opposite of the leftist wokester worldview. (This is why we call these people virtue signalers, instead of virtuous.)

Leftist wokesters are narcissists, and narcissists are miserable people—class dismissed!

Image: Free image, Pixabay license, no attribution required.

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