Desperate to justify murder and pedophilia, NJ Democrat calls Easter eggs ‘aborted chicken babies’ in ‘drag’

The “party of (anti-)science” can’t tell the difference between the two sexes—an awareness possessed by every other conscious and subhuman creature on the planet—and its members don’t understand a thing about other elementary biological realities, like fertilization and reproduction.

Reported by Cassandra MacDonald at Gateway Pundit yesterday:

A New Jersey councilwoman is under fire for posting a meme calling Easter eggs ‘aborted chicken babies that are painted in drag.’

Here’s a picture of the full “meme” posted by Paula Gilligan, a Democrat politician from Glen Rock, via X:



(On the other hand, maybe these leftists can in fact tell the difference between the sexes, and they do grasp the most basic of biological concepts, like fertilization and reproduction, but they’re only feigning ignorance or a disbelief in such realities because while they consider themselves the “party of science,” more accurate monikers would be “party of murder” or “party of pedophilia,” which don’t quite have the same ring.)

Of course, the graphic was an attempt to mock Christians, traditional values, and anti-abortion beliefs, but failed miserably; it is an impressively bad, unclever, and illiterate take.

After receiving pushback from constituents Gilligan addressed the controversy, but did not attempt to rectify the situation; also via MacDonald:

By Sunday, Gilligan had issued a statement about the meme on the municipal website — but did not apologize.

‘It has come to my attention that there are constituents in Glen Rock that have concerns with a meme on my personal Instagram story,’ Gilligan wrote. ‘The meme takes aim at the absurdity of ‘personhood’ laws.’

Gilligan continued, ‘Currently 40 bills with personhood language have been proposed in 16 states. Personhood language refers to legal language that would codify the dangerous notion that from the moment of fertilization, an egg should be legally recognized as a person with full constitutional rights.’

No one claimed Democrats were the smartest bunch… but seriously? Like I said, impressively stupid.

An egg is just a female gamete, and once fertilized by a male gamete, it is no longer just an egg—sexual production has officially occurred. If we’re talking humans, at this point of fertilization, this single-cell, or zygote, is now the first moment of a newly-created… person.

No one, and I mean no one, wants to apply “personhood” to eggs—and, no one (and I again mean no one) gives a rat’s rear-end if a female wants to extract every single one of her eggs from her body and dump them down the toilet—especially a Democrat female. In fact, I would have no issue if this very group of people went and spent their own money on doing just that, eliminating the possibility that they might ever reproduce. Nobody would be getting murdered in the process!

Secondly, dying Easter eggs is somehow like males with perverted fetishes exposing children to hypersexual content and pornographic performances? Huh??

Dismissing science for a cartoon fallacy to take a nonsensical position? Sounds about right for a Democrat politician. It’s amazing people who think like this actually wander around loose in the world, making decisions that affect everyone else.

Free image, Pixabay license, no attribution required.

Image: Free image, Pixabay license, no attribution required.

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