Bidenites use last year’s graphic to announce tonight’s SOTU address, but forget to change the month and the year
Incompetence out the wazoo—and these people have the nuclear codes?
The post came from Joe Biden’s “official” account, but obviously, since there’s no way he’s allowed unsupervised social media access, this major blunder falls on one of his guaranteed DIE hires:
The entire administration is incompetent
— Breaking911 (@Breaking911) March 6, 2024
First of all, it’s 2024. Second of all, February was last month—we’re into March. Is everyone just dabbling in Hunter Biden’s recreational activities?
Well, now that I think about it, maybe it was Joe? He genuinely doesn’t know what month it is, let alone the year; this was two days ago on Super Tuesday, and this man is absolutely fried:
BIDEN: "I better not start the questions. I'll get in trouble."
— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) March 5, 2024
He then sits there — dazed and confused — as his handlers force the press out of the room.
(Also, heavy mouth-breathing doesn’t exactly communicate “vigor” or presidential professionalism, and neither do those shoes; suits are to be worn with dress shoes or boots, not geriatric clodhoppers.)
He better not answer questions lest he “get in trouble” before his eyes glaze over and his palpable confusion makes the blonde woman next to him uncomfortable—now, we get it, we’re just as confused as he is, wondering how this is actually happening in real life. Then he grabs the microphone again to presumably say something, but it’s already been cut off by his handlers; and this is the “president” of the United States, ladies and gentlemen.
And who scheduled this thing for 9 p.m.? Don’t they remember what happened the last time Biden was forced to perform at such a late hour? They yanked the old man out of bed and shoved him up to a podium to address the explosive revelation that Special Counsel Rober Hur had determined Biden’s keeping of classified documents to be criminal, but since the “elderly” man was too feeble-minded to charge, he got off the hook; as articulated by AT contributor Marcus Ebenhack, Biden is just too “too incompetent to prosecute” because he doesn’t know what’s going on. I’m sensing a theme here….
So what do we know about Biden’s upcoming address? Well first of all, we can expect it to be another televised episode of bona fide elder abuse (which I honestly can’t say bothers me at all), and it’s going to be heavy on the socialist/communist left’s agenda: one of the most high-profile invitees is Kate Cox, a woman who was “forced” to travel outside of her home state of Texas to procure a third-trimester abortion so she could pay to have her little girl murdered away from the threat of legal consequences (the baby girl had been diagnosed with Trisomy 18). Other guests include a gun-grabbing activist, a “girl boss” living off of government subsidies for her electric vehicle charging business, and a young man who took out loans before reneging on his promise to pay them back and instead, saddled us with the bill.
Talk about a snooze-fest.
What I am excited for though is President Trump’s promised “Play by Play” refutation—since Biden refuses to debate in person—in which the president will “correct, in rapid response, any and all inaccurate Statements” made by Crooked Joe.