Biden is throwing Israel under the bus to appease genocidal antisemitic voters
It’s been apparent to anyone who isn’t in total denial that rabid antisemitism now lives at the very heart of the Democrat party. October 7 proved that it’s completely taken over the Democrats’ ideological nesting grounds and incubators (aka academia). Worse, antisemitism’s political face—that is, anti-Israel policies—is now an integral part of Biden’s administration. Biden needs the votes of the Israel haters, which means he’s gotten into bed with, and is forcing America into bed with, people who are indistinguishable from the Nazis at their most virulent.
It’s old news that Biden is trying to force Israel’s Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, out of office. It’s also old news that Sen. Chuck Schumer openly called for Bibi’s ouster and that Biden approved of that demand.
For those who note that presidents have called for regime change in the past, here’s the rule of a principled American government: As president, you’re allowed to call for regime change in nations that are your geopolitical enemies and have non-democratically elected governments. However, you’re not allowed to call for regime change in an allied country that has true democratic elections and that is in the middle of an existential war.
The Biden attack on Israel, though, goes beyond a war of words. The administration is actively trying to destroy Israel’s ability to wage war. As Biden stated in his State of the Union speech, he’s setting up a pier immediately outside of Gaza to bring supplies. Ostensibly, they’re for civilians, but only a moron would believe that they are not replenishing Hamas.
Not only will the supplies allow Hamas to survive and fight on (something with which Biden, through his calls for a ceasefire, agrees), but it also hamstrings Israel’s ability to launch rockets at Hamas lest the IDF hit Americans. (Meanwhile, nothing stops Hamas from sending tens of thousands of missiles into civilian centers in Israel.)
But even that’s not all. There are more anti-Israel initiatives from Biden:
Biden is also slapping sanctions on Israelis who have not been convicted of any crime; this week, he also sanctioned two geographic areas under Israeli control in the West Bank. At the same time, he gave Iran a $10 billion sanctions waiver.
Meanwhile, the Senate — at Schumer’s direction — is refusing to pass billions of dollars in military aid for Israel. And there are reports that the Biden administration is “slow-walking” deliveries of ammunition already promised to Israel.
This last is especially devastating. Israel has the weapons and the manpower but, without the ammo that Biden is effectively refusing to deliver, she is completely disarmed.
So, why is Biden treating an ally in this way, especially an ally engaged in a war against an enemy that openly seeks that ally’s total extermination? Simple: Biden wants to win, and he thinks he cannot do so without appeasing the antisemitic wing of his party. Or, as James Carville bluntly stated,
“This Gaza stuff, this is not just a problem with some snot-nosed Ivy League people,” he said. “This is a problem all across the country. And I hope the president and Blinken can get this thing calmed down because if it doesn’t get calmed down before the Democratic convention, it’s going to be a very ugly time in Chicago. I promise you that.
“You and I know that this is a problem in the party. And I think the president knows that, really knows that, he’s being told that. And they’re gonna have to tell Bibi Netanyahu, ‘Hey, dude, we are not going to lose our election because you stand to go to jail. You have to think of something else.'”
In other words, if Biden loses, it’s the Jews’ fault. Put yet another way, Biden had better pander to the Muslims who make up important voting blocks in Michigan and other Democrat-leaning swing states.
So, who are these Muslims, and what do they want? Well, it turns out that, contrary to the claims of their Western front people, they don’t just want to share the land with Israel (something that already happened when Ariel Sharon pulled out of Gaza). Instead, they want to fulfill Hitler’s dream by killing all the Jews:
Michigan Friday Sermon by Imam Abdou Zindani: One Day the Muslims Will Slaughter the Jews like Sheep; Oh Allah, Make Us Soldiers for You, Make Us Die the Way You Want Us to Die #antisemitism
— MEMRI (@MEMRIReports) March 18, 2024
Miami imam says Muslims will seize homes and properties of Jews, prays for 'annihilation' of 'enemies of Islam' -
— Robert Spencer (@jihadwatchRS) March 16, 2024
Friday Sermon by Florida Imam Dr. Fadi Kablawi: Oh Allah, Make This Ramadan a Blessed Month of Victory; By Allah, We Will Seize, Enjoy, Live in the Jewish Settlements; We Will Inherit the Land, Homes, Property of the Jews #Antisemitism
— MEMRI (@MEMRIReports) March 12, 2024
Then there’s this lovely fellow in Wisconsin:
Only jihad can bring victory, Alhagie Jallow, imam at the Madinah Community Center in Madison, Wis., preached on Oct. 13, less than a week after Hamas terrorists attacked southern Israel en masse.
According to a translation of Jallow’s sermon that the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) released earlier this month, the imam said: “Oh Jews, you unjust, criminal, corrupt oppressors—stop! You will all most definitely be killed. The Jews, the aggressors, the evil. … You describe them, what they do.”
None of the above are random crazies on the street corner. These are spiritual leaders who are preaching ideas that are entirely consistent with (a) Mohamed’s teachings and (b) what pours out of mosques across the Muslim world.
To win the election, Joe Biden is forcing America to side with the Nazis. And I don’t mean this in the sense of “everyone I don’t like is a Nazi.” I mean this in the sense that “Biden is making common cause with the people who share Hitler’s dream of violently slaughtering every Jew in the world.”
Biden has always been a morally sketchy person but he is now a complete black hole of immorality. Enabling genocide against the world’s sole Jewish nation, which is also an American ally, is the capstone of a career built on moral corruption.
As a reminder, Biden’s career has included but has not been limited to hanging out with Jim Crow segregationists in the Senate, lying about the man who was in the accident that killed his first wife, lying about his academic credentials and plagiarizing speeches, the high-tech lynching against Clarence Thomas, violating national security laws, allegedly assaulting women, and funneling massive bribes to his family in exchange for selling out his country.
If you are uncomfortable voting for Trump, remember that the only alternative is Biden. A “protest” vote for someone other than Trump means Biden will win because Trump needs every possible vote to overcome the margin of cheating.
I’m co-hosting a fundraiser for Donald Trump next week. Here’s why.
— Ben Shapiro (@benshapiro) March 15, 2024
Image: X screen grab.