Beating the war drums: UN climate adviser says white people are taking up ‘too much space’

Ayisha Siddiqa would have made for a perfect addition to the Squad of Congress (she’s a foreign-born Islamist who hates white people and the culture of the West) and given her views, she’s also an obvious fit for the United Nations bureaucracy—which is why Secretary-General António Guterres handpicked Siddiqa to be a member of the United Nations Youth Advisory Group, a “mechanism” to “accelerate global climate action, and drive forward all 17 Sustainable Development Goals.”

Now, Fox News just published a report by Hannah Grossman, which covered Siddiqa’s social media rap sheet—per Grossman, Siddiqa has repeatedly “call[ed] for the destruction of capitalism,” has claimed that the word “terrorism” is simply a “Western smear to justify its imperialism” and that “White people” are solely to blame for humanity’s purported trend toward “extinction” because the alleged “climate crisis” is all our fault.

Here are a few of Siddiqa’s most vile statements, from her laundry list of offensive opinions, via Grossman:

In March 2021, she [Siddiqa] posted, ‘[T]he white man has brought life as we know it, to the verge of extinction.’

‘The white man sits at the highest level of power in the world, the same way he has killed, looted and abused black and brown people for profit so has he the earth,’ she [Siddiqa] posted in May 2022.

‘We’re allowing White people to have too much space,’ she [Siddiqa] said.

Yes, we’re apparently taking up “too much space” and because of our skin color, we deserve to be… Ostracized? Enslaved? Killed? She doesn’t really say, but given Siddiqa’s tone, I’m not too optimistic that she’d settle for peaceful coexistence—shortly after the George Floyd situation, Siddiqa stated her belief that “racial harmony is fallacy.” As someone online noted:

LOL! The biggest polluters in the world today are China, Egypt/Middle East and India, so much so that the US could go to net zero carbon emissions and it would get lost in the rounding. And she wants to put ‘none-whites’ [sic] in charge.

Does Siddiqa bring anything but anti-white and anti-Judeo-Christian sentiments to the table? Interestingly, since she was tapped for “climate action” policies and ideas, you might suspect that she has a background in some sort of earth science, like geology or meteorology—and you’d be totally wrong, because Siddiqa has a degree in political science. And, as if we needed any more reminders that the leftist climate agenda is strictly about political revolution and upheaval, what’s even more telling about the movement is Siddiqa’s own words on why she chose to get involved in leftist climate activism, via Grossman:

‘You want to know why I got into climate activism, it wasn't because I wanted to protect the environment (although that is a very valid reason). I became involved [because] the West slaughtered, bombed and starved my people to death in the name of oil. And no one talks about it,’ she wrote. 

‘When I think of fossil fuel, I don’t think of pollution... I think of… organized terrorism and I think of demolished democracies at the hands of the West,’ she wrote in a separate post in November 2020.

And there you have it. Fighting the left’s climate agenda, straight from the horse’s mouth, is not really about “protect[ing] the environment” but instead, a vehicle for political change. Furthermore, oil doesn’t spark a “pollution” connection in her mind—despite that being the narrative they keep pushing.

Is the anti-white bigotry of the left a learned behavior or is it a genetic trait at this point? If it weren’t for the “white people” she hates so much, she’d still be in Pakistan living a third world existence at best; at worst, she’d have been sold into the Islamic slave trade, or maybe even dead. Note to the federal government: stop importing people who hate America.

Image: EditNRevise, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons, unaltered.

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