A 1955 letter sharpens our understanding of what the left’s return to paganism means

Leftists are desperate to return us to paganism. For many on the left, this means frolicking naked through a nature unbesmirched by mankind’s fossil fuels, shaking rattles and coughing in WEF luminaries’ faces, and living a life unconstrained by those nasty biblical strictures about any morality. In fact, pagan life was brutal beyond all modern imagining. We don’t want it back.

In a video made last year, I offer the contrasts between the core rules from Genesis and Exodus versus modern leftist thinking:

Two new pieces of information have crossed my path to expand on this topic. The first is a marvelous book that I am laboriously reading. The fact that reading it is hard isn’t because it’s poorly written. Indeed, it’s exceptionally well written. What makes it hard is that reading it allows you to understand exactly what the left is doing, the headway leftists have made, and how our entire culture is at risk, starting with the children.

The book is Logan Lancing’s and James Lindsay’s The Queering of the American Child: How a New School Religious Cult Poisons the Minds and Bodies of Normal Kids. What makes this book extraordinary is how clearly it explains that, while we think of Marxism as an economic system that today’s American leftists cleverly turned into a social phenomenon, that’s all wrong.

In fact, Marxism has always been a nature cult that seeks to undermine Western society entirely. The workers of the world were just the starting point. According to Marx, capitalism wasn’t simply unfair. Instead, it stifled each person’s god-like creative ability to define his reality, thus freeing him.

Image: Cannibalism by Theodor de Bry. Public domain.

Post-modernism shows the practical implications of this theory by saying that there is no objective truth. This is just “my truth”—that is, every person’s sense of and emotional response to the world around him. Under this rubric, the strict rules of XX and XY chromosomes are merely societal norms imposed on unfree people trapped in a biblical, non-communist world. You free children by telling them that they can be whatever sex they want.

This entire notion of each person as his own creator puts us at odds with the Biblical Creator, i.e., God. As Dennis Prager explains in The Rational Bible: Genesis, the Hebrew language clarifies that God is the only “creator.” We humans can make things, but we do not create them.

Therefore, for leftism to prevail, it must not just marginalize Judeo-Christian biblical values; it must destroy them entirely. They are anti-matter to Marxism’s matter and cannot exist in the same universe. For that reason, to the extent American Marxism attacks biblical norms, it’s more true to Marx than the Soviets, with their obsessive economic focus.

But what does it look like when we abandon the Judeo-Christian principles that separated us from the pagans and that inform the modern world (even if other parts of the world have retained their own gods)? The answer can be seen in a letter written by David E. Reed, a mid-20th-century journalist who worked as Reader’s Digest’s roving editor.

The Aztecs were also enamored of human sacrifice, with one memorable coronation leading to the sacrifice of over 80,000 people in four days. A few hundred Conquistadors couldn’t have conquered the Aztecs if it weren’t for help from the surrounding tribes, which were tired of being slaughtered.

Reed’s letter also discusses both slavery and cannibalism, which were endemic in those pagan societies. One tribe reportedly would “eat anything from rats, mice and bats to their own deceased relatives; while others, more fastidious, will not eat their own people, but exchange corpses with neighboring villages.” The Judeo-Christian doctrine that we are made in God’s image brought humankind away from ritual sacrifice, slavery, and cannibalism.

The American left, however, in thrall to Marx’s cultic idea of removing the chains tying “creative” humans to Western civilization, is going to blow it all up. Across America, children are taught that their sex isn’t “the truth.” Instead, it’s “their truth.” We’re told to give up hydrocarbons to propitiate Gaia, an entity that has no meaning without man, and that offers no morals to create stable societies.

The most recent entry in the war on biblical principles is learning that cannibalism is on the menu again. Thus, NewScientist tells us that it’s time to get over the cannibalism taboo. As you’d expect, the essay blames everything from Christianity to racist colonialism for the fact that we don’t eat each other:

Ethically, cannibalism poses fewer issues than you might imagine. If a body can be bequeathed with consent to medical science, why can’t it be left to feed the hungry? Our aversion has been explained in various ways. Perhaps it is down to the fact that, in Western religious traditions, bodies are seen as the seat of the soul and have a whiff of the sacred. Or maybe it is culturally ingrained, with roots in early modern colonialism, when racist stereotypes of the cannibal were concocted to justify subjugation. These came to represent the “other” to Western societies – and revulsion towards cannibalism became a tenet of their moral conscience.

There is nothing freeing about living in a world of unbounded cruelty and the complete absence of boundaries. It’s the Bible that gave us the gifts of justice, compassion, and the necessary rules for civilization, including distinguishing ourselves from Nature, for Nature truly is “red in tooth and claw.”

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