Texas sees an explosion in cases of babies born with syphilis, with numbers that are more than twice the national average
Instances of babies being born with syphilis in Texas are going through the roof, and the antibiotics supply is running low, but fear not, because the mentally ill fat man with a receding hairline and obvious unaddressed inflammation issues who thinks he’s a woman is on the case, offering “expert” health advice.
On Thursday, Joe Biden’s Assistant Secretary of Health Richard Levine visited a Dallas-area public hospital and met with administrators Steve Love and Dr. Emily Adhikari to assess the recent explosion in congenital syphilis cases. From a report at The Dallas Morning News:
Feds eye Texas as cases of syphilis surge in newborns
Though often thought to be a disease of the past, syphilis rates have grown consistently in the last decade. Between 2018 and 2022, syphilis cases jumped nearly 80% nationwide, while cases of congenital syphilis — or babies born with syphilis — nearly tripled, climbing 183%, according to recent Centers for Disease Control and Prevention data.
Texas saw 15.5 cases of syphilis per 100,000 people in 2022, putting it below the national average of 17.7. For congenital syphilis, Texas ranked fourth highest among reporting states, with nearly 247 cases per 100,000 live births, more than double the national average.
Now, when I look at this data, I see a major discrepancy—while the syphilis rate among adults is below the national average (despite Texas being the second most populated state barely behind California), the congenital syphilis rate is “more than double” the national average. (For context, the national average of congenital syphilis instances is 102.5 per 100,000 births, and as you see, the rate for Texas is 247 per 100,000 births.)
Gee, could this be because of Biden’s open border? I’d be curious to know if American citizens make up a majority of these congenital cases, or illegals? Occam’s Razor, exhorting us to logic and simple explanations, would lead us to infer that the endless sex assaults and rapes through the Darien Gap and trek north through South and Central Amercia taken by a millions of women would be the likeliest conclusion. And, if we look at the referenced CDC data for 2022, of the three states that beat Texas with a higher congenital syphilis rate, two of them are also border states (Arizona and New Mexico). So, of the top four states with the highest rates of congenital syphilis, 75% are border states—in the other state, South Dakota, the “increase was driven by … the Native American community,” according to a report by NBC.
Here’s what Levine had to say though, via the report:
‘We need, from a public health point of view both locally, statewide and federally, to be addressing this issue.’
Well, in that case, let the conservatives take over, because what the Democrats are doing isn’t working. California, the most populous state in the country, has a higher than the national average normal syphilis rate, as well as a congenital syphilis rate (146.5 per 100,000 births)—which seems consistent given the population. But Republican-run Texas, the second-most populated state, has a lower than national average normal syphilis rate. And, perhaps if California weren’t all in on abortions, that number would be higher—how many babies, if permitted to live, would be born with syphilis? Furthermore, Arizona has a Democrat government and a razor-thin “Republican” majority (but I can tell you from firsthand experience that a majority of these “Republicans” are in fact Democrats); New Mexico is completely blue; and the syphilis-explosion area in Republican-led South Dakota is confined to the politically-left Indian reservation. (This seems like a mostly “progressive” problem to me.)
Yet, like I said, fear not, because Levine and his crack(pot) team of Democrats have the solution:
The slogan ‘Know your status,’ often used in campaigns to increase HIV testing, should now include syphilis, said Adhikari…
‘Our HIV outreach team goes to community areas, goes to individuals in the community, where they’re at, and offers free HIV testing,’ Adhikari said. ‘That is going to be now inclusive of syphilis testing. HIV and syphilis need to go hand in hand.’
Great—I predict another taxpayer-funded public health campaign with billboards and “outreach” endeavors, maybe a new department and some ribbon-cutting ceremonies, and of course… the continued upward trend of congenital syphilis rates.
Image: Governor Tom Wolf from Harrisburg, PA, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons, unaltered.