Reporter who said women should line up on ‘kneepads’ for Bill Clinton gets Soros-funded job exposing the MAGA ‘threat’
According to a new report out today at The Washington Free Beacon, former White House correspondent for Time magazine Nina Burleigh has a new job—she’s found gainful employment with Courier Newsroom, serving as a “national contributor publishing a weekly newsletter on the absurdity and threat of the MAGA movement.” (Courier is a Soros-funded project, the hub of what are ostensibly “humble local news outlets” that peddle “glowing stories” about Democrats; in other words this is propaganda à la the Third Reich, flying under the radar because the “news” comes from as “small town papers” instead of the establishment media channels like MSNBC and CNN.)
Burleigh currently blogs at a Substack, but what she’s best known for is her sexual obsession with Bill Clinton, as well as her belief that American women “should be lining up” with “kneepads” in tow, to show Clinton their “gratitude” for pushing pro-abortion policy; from the Beacon item:
Burleigh recounted a trip she took … with Clinton while working as Time’s White House correspondent. After playing cards with Clinton, he took a ‘long, appreciative look’ at Burleigh's legs, sending the journalist into a libidinous frenzy.
‘It was riveting to know that the President had appreciated my legs … If he had asked me to continue the game of hearts back in his room at the Jasper Holiday Inn, I would have been happy to go there and see what happened,’ Burleigh wrote. ‘It took several hours and a few drinks in the steaming and now somehow romantic Arkansas night to shake the intoxicated state in which I had been quite willing to let myself be ravished by the President.’
Days later, when a Washington Post reporter called Burleigh to ask if she could ‘still objectively cover the president,’ Burleigh reiterated her sexual appetite for Clinton. ‘I would be happy to give him a blowjob just to thank him for keeping abortion legal,’ she said. ‘I think American women should be lining up with their presidential kneepads on to show their gratitude….’
Is there anybody more misogynistic and anti-woman than a female leftist? Seriously, for the crowd that parades around in red cloaks and white caps à la Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale to protest anti-abortion policy or developments, celebrated the verdict in the E. Jean Carroll trial despite evidence or logic to support it, and claims to embody the feminist movement, are endlessly guilty of subjugating and dehumanizing the female sex.
I mean, how degrading can one person be? Women should be lined up on their knees for a man because he politically fought for baby murder? This sounds like a porno (ultimate female degradation) for abortion fetishists. How utterly obscene. Seems like if these women are really that grateful that they can slaughter their own without fear of legal consequences, there would be better ways: write a letter, encourage other people to vote for Clinton, volunteer for the campaign, etc.
Don’t women have more to offer than mouths for sexual activity? Well, the conservative ideology sure says so.
According to we threatening MAGA types, women have more to offer than just being physical vessels to be used and abused by lascivious men like Clinton. We’re uniquely capable of natural pregnancy, bringing new and precious life into the world; the age-old phenomenon of a mother’s love, which develops “mama bear” instincts and self-sacrifice, and brings tenderness to the home and humanity; we have brains, and courage, and respect for the created order, doing our part to uphold morality and stability in a broken world.
Yet it all makes sense, because abortion is a main pillar of the left’s platform, and it the most misogynstic policy in American history—promoting a world in which men can use a woman for a quick dopamine/prolactin hit, impregnate her, then get out of having to provide and commit to her and their child, is the biggest exploitation of women of all. And, because men and women are not the same, and their brains are wired completely differently, abortion is overwhelmingly more devastating to the mother of the aborted child than the father. Although men do grieve too, it’s (largely) not the same. Men’s ability to compartmentalize outperforms that of a woman, and they’re not (typically) as emotional as women. “Men are like waffles, women are like spaghetti.”
So what exactly could Burleigh—a woman who fantasized about philandering relations with a married man, whose presciprtion for abortion-appreciative women wanting to show their thanks is fellatio, who openly cheers for family-unit destruction—possibly know about threatening political ideology in this country?
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