Report: Iranian regime allegedly dispatched ‘assassins’ to kill Swedish Jews, permitted entry into the nation as ‘refugees’

Last week the RAIR Foundation published an article by Amy Mek, which opened with this:

In a chilling new report by Sveriges Radio, it has come to light that the Islamic Iranian regime allegedly orchestrated a plot to target and kill Jews in Sweden. The clandestine operation reportedly involved two Iranian secret agents tasked with mapping and planning the murders of several individuals, with their primary targets being Swedish Jews, including Aron Verständig, chairman of the Jewish Central Council.

The “disturbing saga” began in 2021, when law enforcement arrested a Stockholm-based “refugee” Muslim couple, Mahdi Ramezani and Fereshteh Sanaeifarid, who authorities believed were possibly “engaging in terrorist activities.” According to Mek, the investigation revealed that the pair “Had meticulously mapped out their intended targets, collecting photographs and address information of individuals, predominantly Swedish Jews.” Some of the intended victims had young children as well.

Despite all that, the couple escaped any legal consequences, and they were shipped back to Iran—it was after their departure that the “plot thickened”:

An investigation uncovered alarming lapses in the Swedish Migration Agency’s handling of the case. Despite receiving multiple warnings and anonymous tips regarding Ramezani’s true identity and potential affiliation with the IRGC, the agency granted the couple asylum under false pretenses, labeling them as Afghan refugees.

Questions surrounding the authenticity of their identity documents and linguistic inconsistencies during the asylum process further fueled suspicions. Despite these red flags, the Migration Agency proceeded with granting asylum to the Iranian terrorist couple….

Iran is a known exporter of jihadi and anti-Jew terrorism, yet for Western governments run by woke Progs, the crime of Islamophobia is far worse… which just goes to show how ineligible woke Progs are for political office. Below is just a miniscule sample of “refugees” pouring into our country:

And here:

How many of these men are “sponsored” by Iran? China? Other anti-American adversaries?

The only solution is mass deportation, down to the very last illegal.

Image: Free image, Pixabay license, no attribution required.

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