NYC becomes a literal den of thieves as the ‘huddled masses’ continue to swarm in and set up shop

New Yorkers, meet your newest neighbor:

Charming fellow, isn’t he?

When addressing the “migrant” crisis (third-world invaders) flooding into America from every corner of the globe, those on the left often evoke the days of a bustling Ellis Island, the Statue of Liberty with the “huddled masses yearning to breathe free” words emblazoned on the pedestal, or perhaps even remind us of our Christian ancestors who landed at Plymouth Rock to escape government persecution in Europe; they assert that this country was built on “immigrants” and without immigration, the U.S. as we know it, would have never existed.

But, as with all arguments left, that’s all fallacious and inconsistent. First of all, in one context those Plymouth Rock pilgrims are celebrated as immigrants fleeing tyranny, in another they’re decried as colonizers who displaced native populations. Secondly, this country wasn’t just built on those immigrating (first to the New World, then the British Colonies, and eventually, the United States), it was built on Judeo-Christian principles by anyone who believed in them and lived by those values, which clearly, at one point, applied to a vast majority of newcomers.

But somewhere along the way that mindset died, and the migrants (illegal invaders) of today (largely) fall into one of two camps: terrorists, or freeloaders. Either way, neither group has any intention of assimilating or contributing to American society. 

We’ve got guys like the man below, seemingly here at the behest of unidentified overlords for some not-so-clandestine objective?

(Pamela Geller speculated that this border-crosser may be known-terrorist Movsum Samadov, leader of the Islamic Party of Azerbaijan.)

And then we’ve got the poverty-stricken third-worlders, some of whom can’t even read or write in their native languages, just doing what they’ve always known—crime—and New York City is the perfect case study of what life looks like when you introduce hordes of state-of-nature humans to modern Western civilization. Needless to say, “cultural enrichment” in the Big Apple isn’t going so well:

NYC migrant pickpocketing teams are the newest headache for NYPD as trio busted for string of West Village bar thefts

The NYPD is honing in on migrant pickpocketing crews that are now working the Big Apple — with nearly 100 asylum seekers already popping up on the NYPD radar, law enforcement sources tell The Post.

Also, this:

Breaking the law and barely surviving: Inside NYC’s underground migrant economy

Many new migrants are creating their own underground economy within their community — selling homemade food to other migrants or providing them services such as hair-cutting.

‘They aren’t going to a barber shop or a deli,’ Di Martino said. ‘They’re creating cash businesses and not paying taxes.’

Monica Yamaira Arias, 43, hawks roast pork, rice and fried plantains from her perch outside the Roosevelt Hotel in Midtown, which the city transformed into an intake center for recent arrivals. Arias, 43, arrived in New York more than a year ago from Venezuela, and now sits every lunch hour on a blue Igloo cooler selling home-cooked meals, packed in aluminum containers, for $10 each.

‘It’s what we’re used to eating in our country,’ said Arias….

And from today, this:

NYPD seizes illegal scooters from migrant shelters amid ‘uptick’ in moped-riding bandits in NYC

The NYPD is cracking down on unregistered scooters as robberies involving moped-riding bandits have become a frequent problem across the city over the past couple months. 

Officers targeted migrant facilities throughout the five boroughs Wednesday night where they seized dozens of illegal electric bikes and took them away on a flatbed, ABC7 reported.

The confiscated bikes had no registrations or had stolen plates, according to the station.

As London’s leftist mayor Sadiq Khan once quipped, crime—whether it’s jihadi bombings, acid attacks, and Islamic stabbing sprees, or tax fraudsters, pickpockets, and Mad Max moped bandits—is simply “part and parcel” of living in a (leftist) big city.

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