National Defense Magazine: White House sets new ‘goal’ for eco-friendliest bloodshed in the history of human warfare
The Seer of seers and the Prognosticator of prognosticators is no longer Punxsutawney Phil, that cute little creature who lives in Gobbler’s Knob—it’s the collective group of conservative satirists and jokesters.
You may or may not have seen it, but back in October, a video that purportedly showed Greta Thunberg promoting “environmentally-conscious” warfare spread rapidly across the web; see below:
Read her new book, Vegan Wars by Greta Thunberg
— Wall Street Silver (@WallStreetSilv) October 23, 2023
"if we want to continue fighting battles, like environmentally conscious humans, we must make the change to sustainable tanks."
"There are so many new concepts for battery powered fighter jets that can carry biodegradable…
As you might have noticed, there’s a “Community Note” attached to the post, informing the viewer that this was actually a deepfake creation. Now, there’s an obvious “dunk” and that is that it’s getting harder to tell what is satire and what is real; like Seth Dillon of The Babylon Bee said, “We found that the world is very difficult to satirize right now because it’s so insane.”
Yet, satirists like Bee employees, or the pranksters responsible for the Thunberg clip, aren’t just comedic geniuses—sure they’re funny, but they’re also eerily prescient.
Here’s this, from an article written by Hope Hodge Seck, and published by the National Defense Magazine in their latest February issue:
Electric Vehicles — As Tactical EV Plans Take Shape, Army Charges Ahead; Marines Stay Cautious
When green energy entrepreneur and researcher Tom Holm invited Defense Department personnel to a first-of-its-kind tactical electric vehicle expo in San Diego last September, some 500 stakeholders and decision-makers from across the military services showed up….
The event was so well received that it’s expanding in 2024 with a transition from TEVx to TEVCON: a full-blown convention for those invested in the challenge of weaning the vehicles that carry troops into combat off their conventional fuel sources in favor of more green and sustainable electric power [emphasis added].
[T]he services are under pressure from within and without to solve these problems and make serious headway toward total electrification [emphasis added] of their fleets. In 2022, when the services were more bullish on the timeline for adopting electric tactical vehicles, the Pentagon adopted a sustainability plan [emphasis added] laying out steps to move toward the White House’s goal of making every vehicle in the U.S. military climate-friendly [emphasis added].
Seck, without a hint of irony, actually talks about the probability of “all-electric tanks[s]” in the future, and notes that these battery-powered vehicles would simply bring along a “portable generator” for quick, battlefield charge-ups—no, I’m not even joking—and although Seck doesn’t elaborate on what kind of “fuel” is in this generator, I can only assume it’s diesel. But, the prospect that this generator is really a battery storing an extra charge is almost worse, because it means that there are now two lithium targets aboard a military asset: lithium is highly flammable, and these batteries are notorious for “thermal runaway,” or “inextinguishable fires.” Seems like a bad idea to saddle a vehicle sent into combat with two components that if hit by enemy fire/artillery/weaponry, would explode into a blaze that can’t be put out.
Other than that, this all sounds like a great plan… just as long as war doesn’t break out in an area where external temperatures fall outside the “optimal” window of performance, like in Russia… or China… or Iran… or the Middle East… or the U.S., or basically, the entire planet.
And, just as long as we have the charging infrastructure in place near battlefields and warfronts, and that charging infrastructure remains intact and safe from enemy sabotage.
And, just as long as each vehicle brings along a portable diesel generator.
And, just as long as an adversary doesn’t launch any EMP attacks, rendering our entire military fleet, which has (hypothetically) at that point, undergone total electrification, immediately inoperable.
“Climate-friendly” vehicles for spilling the blood of the human cannon fodder? Uncle Sam’s leftist war pigs sure have a strange way of signaling their “virtue.”
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