MSM recycling the threatened polar bears story despite it being viciously debunked

The story that polar bears are starving because of a lack of sheet ice has been around for awhile—it was also on NBC on Sunday night. It is pure propaganda. Neither NBC nor the AP who published the following article did any research or asked any questions before indoctrinating the public with this piece.

For example, the article did not show how many polar bears there were in the past, nor did it show how many there are today. They just told the public that climate change was forcing them to starve. And since the media pushes the agenda that humans, and our use of natural resources is the cause of climate change, we are at fault. From AP via Yahoo News:

For threatened polar bears, the climate change diet is a losing proposition

For polar bears, the climate change diet is a losing proposition, a new study suggests.

With Arctic sea ice shrinking from climate change, many polar bears have to shift their diets to land during parts of the summer. 

In the 1980s, the “polar bears are dying from climate change” story took off with National Geographic—but it was not factual. Around 2.5 billion people watched the 1982 video of the emaciated polar bear dragging itself across a barren landscape, which aired just seven years after a thirty-five year global cooling period ended; it was a time when many “experts” predicted a disastrous coming ice age.

A few years back, Jon Miltimore debunked the “myth”of declining polar bear populations due to climate change, and reported a number of facts that contradict the mainstream left narrative. First off, the polar bear population is “thriving”:

Data from conservation groups and the government show that the polar bear population is roughly five times what it was in the 1950s and three or four times what it was in the 1970s when polar bears became protected under international treaty.

In the middle of the 20th century, the estimated number of polar bears was around 5,000; now that figure is 25,000 to 30,000. They were dwindling because of overhunting, not climate change. The polar bear population has gone up over 400% since the 1950s, and 300% since the 1970s, despite warming.

A year after the video aired, the National Geographic admitted that they had no proof that climate change was causing any problem for the bears. It is a shame that a supposedly reliable scientific publication would try to manipulate the public based on an agenda, instead of facts. The media knows, or should know, that National Geographic lied over 40 years ago, but they don’t care.

One year after the video, one of the videographers admitted that should couldn’t confidently “say that this bear was starving because of climate change” as wrote this:

Perhaps we made a mistake in not telling the full story—that we were looking for a picture that foretold the future and that we didn’t know what had happened to this particular polar bear.

The purpose of the stories is to indoctrinate children and others into capitulating to the radical green agenda to destroy our way of life.

Another lie that is constantly told is that thousands of species are dying each year because of humans and our use of natural resources. In December 2022, Reuters ran an article telling the public that one million species are “on the brink” of extinction, saying 881 have been identified as dying in the last 500 years. I bet they would have trouble naming any that verifiably died from rising CO2, and few as being caused by climate change. Even if these creatures did vanish due to climate change, then good luck proving that humans caused that climate change.

As for ice, we are continually told that it is melting fast, and how dangerous that is. This is from a website that tracks Arctic Ice on a month-to-month basis:

The year 2024 began with an average January Arctic sea ice extent of 13.92 million square kilometers (5.37 million square miles), the twentieth lowest in the 45-year satellite record….

They have only been tracking the ice for 45 years. They say the ice is at its “twentieth lowest” which means it is also near its twentieth highest.

Throughout history the earth has always experienced warming and cooling periods. It is impossible to pinpoint the cause.

This green push has been an obvious scam for decades to transfer power, money , and freedom from the people to the greedy government. Sadly, the media just repeats what they are told to perpetuate the fraud instead of searching for the truth, which is their job.

(If Letitia James wants to go after fraud, she should go after all the green companies, investment bankers, and others that have milked investors out of hundreds of billions. Those are actual losses.)

Image: Free image, Pixabay license, no attribution required.

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