Michael Rapaport stars in a savage (and funny) attack on Hollywood’s October 7 silence
The first stepping stone in my journey across the Rubicon from Democrat to hardcore conservative was realizing that NPR routinely lied about Israel. Once you figure out one lie or hypocrisy, you start seeing all the other stuff, and you can’t turn back. That’s what’s happening to Michael Rapaport, a Jewish actor and comedian, who has looked at the left’s response to Israel and cried foul. Recently, he announced he’d vote for Trump, whom he despises, because Biden is a failure. He just joined with the Israeli satire show Eretz Nehederet to call out Hollywood’s silence in the face of Hamas’s murdering, kidnapping, and sexually assaulting Israelis.
I’m not a Michael Rapaport fan. Indeed, when I look at the list of shows and movies in which he’s starred, I’ve never seen a single one. To the extent he impinged on my consciousness, it was because he was a fanatic (and utterly generic) leftist Hollywood Jew who hated Donald Trump. Here’s just a sampling of his most recent pre-October 7 pronouncements (language warning: he’s incapable of communicating without obscenities):
Another Day Another Trump Indictment!!!
— MichaelRapaport (@MichaelRapaport) August 2, 2023
I’m celebrating in NYC,
watch here:https://t.co/f4M32lH6Kj pic.twitter.com/OvxLH6vkBQ
P!g D!ck Donald Trump is
— MichaelRapaport (@MichaelRapaport) August 2, 2023
78 years old with 78 Indictments….
One for every miserable year of his miserable life!!!
Watch me rumble here:https://t.co/f4M32lH6Kj pic.twitter.com/Cfpkwh7aFY
Does Trump actually sh!t his pants in public?
— MichaelRapaport (@MichaelRapaport) July 4, 2023
Donny Poo-Poo Pants Rant is here:https://t.co/fnWgLd6EcF pic.twitter.com/unGbLJGPeD
On October 7, though, Rapaport remembered that he is a Jew and that his family came to America to escape the relentless, murderous hostility that has been part of diaspora Jewish history for almost 2,000 years. His X feed is now about the wonders of Israel, the plight of the hostages, and the evil that is Hamas.
Also, as is the case with other leftist Jews, Rapaport is beginning to realize that his preferred political party doesn’t like him. He’s angry at the Biden administration’s inability to use America’s heft to bring the hostages home and to address the sadistic sexual assaults committed against Israeli women. Indeed, as of November, he was so upset that he announced that, at least for now, Trump is his guy:
It wasn’t so long ago that Michael Rapaport was mocking The Apprentice star over his legal issues, but the former Trump hater appears to have changed his tune.
During a November episode of his I Am Rapaport podcast, the 53-year-old actor said he would vote for Trump if Biden didn’t get the Israel-Hamas “situation under control.”
“If it comes to pig d*** Donald Trump and smokin’ Joe Biden, I’m sorry, I am sorry, voting for pig d*** Donald Trump is on the table,” the True Romance star said.
“I’ll still call him slob d*** Donald Trump, pig d*** Donald Trump and all that, but we need to get this whole f****** situation under control.”
Rapaport has recognized that there is a greater enemy than Donald Trump and, indeed, that Donald Trump is his ally in this war against genocidal forces. The question is whether, having had the scales stripped from his eyes, Rapaport will go down the same path to conservativism I once did. In the short term, though, it doesn’t matter. I’ll take any vote for Trump we can get this coming November.
Meanwhile, Rapaport joined with Eretz Nehederet, the amazing Israeli satire troop, to attack many of Hollywood’s most famous and famously outspoken actors for their silence in the face of what Hamas did and is doing to Israelis.
There is a lot of debate, even among Jews, about what a Jew is. Is it a genetic lineage? Is it abiding by religious precepts? Is it believing in moral principles absent religious doctrine? Is it enough just to call yourself a Jew?
I can add one more definition: A Jew is someone who knows that genocide is always around the corner, that most political differences seem superficial or irrelevant when you’re staring down the wrong end of a gun, and that the person you want at your side is the one who will help keep you from being dead.
Donald Trump is a big player in that last category. Michael Rapaport has figured this out and, as leftists in America become increasingly open about their willingness to accept Jewish genocide, the Jews for Trump club in which Rapaport is now a member is going to grow.
Image: Michael Rapaport. X screen grab.