In less than 24 hours, two separate stories of 14-year-old girls being raped by ‘bad hombres’ hit the news cycle

If police can be held responsible for conduct while acting in their professional capacities, then why not the judges, prosecutors, and politicians aiding and abetting the criminal aliens wreaking havoc and violence?

I actually almost missed the fact that when I came across the “illegal migrant rapes a 14-year-old girl” headline twice, it reflected two separate instances of illegal migrants raping a young teen-aged female—understandably I thought it was the same story. (But, in the context of Joe Biden’s America, I should have known better.)

Here’s the first story, out of Virginia:

New details have been released after Virginia authorities arrested a 32-year-old Venezuelan national illegally present in the U.S. for sexual assault of a minor.

The Campbell County Sheriff's Office said that Renzo Mendoza Montes was arrested on Thursday, Feb. 22, on two felony charges in connection to a sexual assault that took place in January. The victim was a 14-year-old female, officials said.

The iterative report came from Louisiana:

A 19-year-old Honduran man has been arrested in Kenner following a series of violent crimes, according to police.

The Kenner Police Department says the investigation began on Tues., Feb. 20 when it was notified of a rape of a 14-year-old girl at knifepoint.

Angel Matias Castellanos-Orellana was identified as the suspect. Police say Castellanos-Orellana was in the United States illegally.

Coming soon to a daughter… sister… niece… friend… near you.

Man, if only someone would have warned us that foreign third world regimes run by socialist criminals weren’t “sending their best” maybe we could have prevented our little girls from being violated by these filthy and vile… (the rest of my thoughts are unshareable).

Democrats from 2016–2020: The border is secure, there is no border crisis, and Trump is a racist who keeps kids in cages.

Democrats in 2021: The border is secure, and there is no crisis.

Kamala, also in 2021:

(Then, the pattern continues.)

Democrats in 2022: The border is secure, and there is no crisis.

Democrats in 2023: The border is secure, and there is no crisis.

Democrats in 2024: There is a terrible border crisis, it’s been this way for years, and it’s all the Republicans’ fault because they won’t pass our border bill!

Food for thought:

Image from X.

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