Hamas sympathizer gets his clock cleaned with the Socratic method while Islamist newcomers chase off gay MPs
In its prime, Western civilization was (arguably) the peak of human existence, so watching as it succumbs to the regressive ideologies of leftism and the culture of 7th century barbarism is a gut-punch, but there is a silver lining: ridiculing the leftists, who each have the intellectual capability of an amoeba, has never been so funny, and I love to laugh.
London-based journalist David Atherton shared this video—language warning—and it’s rather hilarious:
A man is wearing a Palestinian keffiyeh & flag tells @PhilipDwyer_MOI that he's worried about gay men being bombed in Gaza.
— David Atherton (@DaveAtherton20) February 5, 2024
Phil points out gay men are thrown off buildings. pic.twitter.com/4B1W8vryEp
Perhaps it’s because as a very non-artistic person I give tremendous kudos to people who have the creative intelligence to edit videos like this… but the slowed frame rate to reflect the gumming up of the brain cogs, mixed with the sound of chirping crickets, only for it to immediately happen… again, had me hollering.
Now, while this young man was getting his clock cleaned by the Socratic method (I remain convinced that this is one of the best strategies when trying to undermine the ignorance held by the average leftist), a gay lawmaker, from another part of the United Kingdom, was announcing that he would be leaving elected office with the expiration of his current term. From an article out at The Free Press on Monday:
Two and a half years ago, a member of Britain’s parliament was murdered in a church in southeast England where he was meeting his constituents. Ali Harbi Ali, a 25-year-old who called himself a soldier of the Islamic State, said ‘Sorry’ to David Amess before pulling a knife from his pocket and stabbing the Conservative lawmaker repeatedly in the stomach.
In an interview with police after his arrest, Ali said that a month before the attack, he had visited the constituency of Mike Freer, another Conservative MP, armed with the intent to harm.
Last week, Freer … announced that he will be stepping down at the next election because of the ‘intolerable stress’ on his husband and extended family from the ‘several serious threats to my personal safety.’
Freer’s decision to prioritize his family’s well-being is a depressing sign of the times: a gay conservative justice minister hounded out of office by threats of violence, including from Islamist extremists.
But this incident didn’t happen in a vacuum; while meeting with constituents in 2011, an organized group of Muslims disrupted the meeting, calling Freer a “Jewish homosexual pig,” despite Freer not even being Jewish. Aside from the murder of Amess, the article also cites a number of other instances in which “Islamist intimidation and violence” played a central role in political attacks against British officials. The “religion of peace” isn’t so peaceful now is it?
One need only scroll through the timeline of @RadioGenoa on any given day to see that England has fallen; from just a few minutes ago:
London has lost its European identity. pic.twitter.com/4B91LYJXu1
— RadioGenoa (@RadioGenoa) February 7, 2024
People stuck in a centuries-old Mohammedan mindset killed Amess; violently intimated Freer from office; groomed and abused the school girls of Rochdale; bombed Manchester; mowed down pedestrians on the London Bridge before stabbing others; hacked off-duty soldier Lee Rigby to death with a meat cleaver in the street; and routinely carry out acid and knife attacks. The politicians and authorities promoting the leftist government, and the “conservatives” too cowardly to stand up, did not intervene; heaven forfend they’d be labeled a racist, bigot, or white supremacists. And, in a dystopian twist, the greatest concern of these same politicians and authorities is… Islamophobia.