Florida private school ejects students whose parents wouldn’t stop advertising their porn channel on (and around) campus

Had Michelle Cline been advertising her OnlyFans channel at a public school, she probably would have been offered a job as a “sex educator” and given a classroom for her set; however, this happened at a private Christian school, where parents still have the wherewithal to protect their children from the hypersexualization and perversion of a culture saturated in pornography.

Here’s the story, from Amy Furr at Breitbart:

Two young students have been expelled from a school in Tavares, Florida, because their mother would not remove a car sticker advertising her OnlyFans page.

School leadership had told Michelle Cline she was not allowed to bring her car onto the campus at Liberty Christian Preparatory School (LCP) to pick up and drop off her children because parents were upset about the large decal.

Now, according to another mother at the school via a weeks-old report at The New York Post, school administrators had at first tried to shirk from addressing the situation with Cline:

Fellow parent Lexy Thomas … told The Post that school administrators have refused to address a slew of complaints about the decal.

Thomas argued that it promoted pornography on school grounds, and violated the school’s Christian-based code of conduct.

Earlier this month, administrators informed Cline that she could no longer drive the SUV onto school property, relegating her to a parking lot across the street.

However, Thomas claimed, while Cline complied with that directive at drop-off and pick-up, her vehicle was still seen on campus “from time to time” so she pushed for the family’s expulsion, and as noted above, got her way. Per a separate NY Post item, Head of School Jeremy Thomas (presumably no relation to Lexy Thomas) stated that the school’s actions had everything to do with “protect[ing] the innocence of children.”

Now, it doesn’t even need to be said, but obviously, the entire situation is heartbreaking—a woman whose self-worth is so cheapened, she’ll sell her body and marriage to lascivious strangers on the internet. (Sure, $20k a month is a lot of money, but not when the cost is a soul.) There are also precious children involved, one in elementary school and one in middle school; as a mother with similarly-aged children myself, the thought that their home wouldn’t be a place of protection and shelter (physical, spiritual, and emotional) but instead a porn set is such a disturbing reality it makes me want to cry. Apparently, Cline felt it unfair that her children had to bear the brunt of the whole affair, but the school isnt to blame... she is.

The assault on children and their innocence is the hill to die on, and my heartfelt thanks goes out to anyone fighting this battlefront of the culture war.

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