Flippy Nikki ditches the conservative song and dance and pivots to blame President Trump for military recruitment failures

There are countless similarities between Nikki Haley and Hillary Clinton, with the former even crediting the latter as her inspiration for entering the world of politics; both are warmongers, both are extremely unlikeable, both will have a failed presidential campaign under their belts, and both are apparently unteachable regarding the fact that we live in an era of cameras, because they can’t stop from lying and flip-flopping, despite the guarantee that their words are being video-recorded and documented.

Remember when Hillary Clinton relayed the saga of landing under “sniper fire” in Bosnia? Well, unfortunately for her, someone had a video camera, and the alleged “attack” was really just a little girl welcoming her with flowers, and no sniper fire to be found—Clinton said she simply “misspoke.” Mortifying.

It doesn’t get any better for Haley, whose “misspeaking” on what her policy towards entitlement benefits would be if she were president, is the subject of a hilarious new campaign ad out from Trump’s team:

Humiliation to the nth degree.

But Haley’s a bitter and petty woman, and she’s not the type to quit while she’s metaphorically ahead, because in reality, she’s actually behind… very behind. Despite having claimed victory over President Trump, she’s yet to actually secure it, and she’s so far behind in the polls you might forget she’s still running.

So dignity be darned, Haley’s flip-flopping again—and where the woke left was once the enemy, now it’s Donald Trump. Here’s this, from Haley’s CNN interview with Jake Tapper, via Breitbart News:

Former Gov. Nikki Haley … said … that she believed former President Donald Trump was lowering recruitment numbers when he ‘mocks it or makes fun’ of military service.

She continued [speaking of her husband and his colleagues], ‘They have been without internet, so I was able to catch him for, a brief period of time. I saw the tweet. Just like you saw the tweet. I did not get a chance to talk to him when that happened. But I will tell you. I mean, look, he’s angry. I mean, he and his brothers and sisters, they don’t go there just because for kicks and giggles, they go there because they still believe in this amazing experiment that is America. They’re willing to go and sacrifice their lives and their families because they still believe America is worth fighting for. And when anybody mocks it or makes fun of it, it does make them all question like, what’s happening to America? And that’s a very sad state of affairs. If you want to see why recruitment is down in the military, 25%, it’s because of comments like that. It’s because of how America has treated our veterans.’

First of all, let’s do another “instant replay” of what Haley said, from just one month ago:

Okay, now that that’s out of the way… what is she mad about this time? Well, here’s this, from an item at the New York Post today:

Nikki Haley is mocking GOP presidential foe Donald Trump’s lack of military experience after he took a ‘disgusting’ jab at her deployed husband’s absence while she’s on the campaign trail.

‘It’s disgusting!’ said Haley, 52, on ‘Fox News’ on Monday, referring to Trump, 78, repeatedly asking the crowd at a rally in South Carolina over the weekend about the whereabouts of her husband, Maj. Michael Haley.

‘You mock one veteran, you’re mocking all veterans,’ Haley told Fox host Dana Perino, echoing comments she made right after Trump’s remarks.

Birdbrain really is birdbraining—but at least a real bird brain knows that males can never become female, unlike this birdbrain—because Trump wasn’t ridiculing military service, he was ridiculing her. Secondly, I’ll mock Lloyd Austin the Lampshade and “Harpy Daniels” all the way to the gulag, and I love our military men. Then, Haley went on to recycle the rest of the left’s manufactured narratives on how Trump allegedly slighted our veterans and servicemembers, but all she really did was remind the Republican voters why her poll numbers are what they are.

President Trump has a proven track record for peace, which is undoubtedly the best case scenario for our troops and veterans; yet in a matter of weeks (or is it days?), whether it’s Haley’s demand that we support the “Border Bill” warchest, or her trigger-happy response to wage war against Iran after the drone strike at Tower 22, she’s shown that she’s itching to go to war.

Image from X.

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