El Salvador's conservative Bukele wins re-election in mother of all landslides and Biden figures out a way to insult him

After sledgehammering crime in his country, President Nayib Bukele won his re-election as president of El Salvador in Sunday's election by a large margin.

According to the BBC:

President Nayib Bukele of El Salvador, credited with driving down gang violence in the Central American nation, has been re-elected.

Preliminary results released after 70% of votes had been counted showed him securing a second term by winning 83% of the votes.

He had already claimed victory before the results were announced.

This is putting it delicately. The man won a nuclear 83% of the popular vote in what must be the loudest public consensus ever seen in a true democratic republic. He stomped out crime, made his country a nice place to live, ended migration as a byproduct and now has a s that people are trying to move to.

The people have spoken over in El Salvador.

And it's not surprising, really. Create rule of law and order in your country after a long slide of lawlessness and don't be surprised if you find yourself very, very, popular. We saw that in Colombia with the election of Alvaro Uribe, who turned his country from a Marxist narcoterrorist guerrlla hellhole to a garden spot, and we saw this in Ecuador and Argentina, where promises to restore law and order over impunity for criminals led to similar election results.

The Bidenites over in the White House can only look with envy, having no interest in cleaning up runaway crime in the U.S.

So not surprisingly, their response had some curdled milk in it.

Secretary of State Antony Blinken issued this sucker-punch of a congratulations to the newly re-elected president, which started out seemingly bland and nice:

I congratulate Nayib Bukele on his electoral victory as President of El Salvador.  The United States commends the work of electoral observers and looks forward to working with President-elect Bukele and Vice President-elect Felix Ulloa following their inauguration in June.  

The United States values our strong relationship with the people of El Salvador, forged over 160 years and built on shared values, regional ties, and family connections.  Events in El Salvador have a direct impact on U.S. interests at home and abroad.  Only by working together can we achieve our full potential and overcome the greatest obstacles in our hemisphere and globally.

Then it ended with a veiled threat:

Looking ahead, the United States will continue to prioritize good governance, inclusive economic prosperity, fair trial guarantees, and human rights in El Salvador under our Root Causes Strategy.

They are constantly accusing Bukele of ending democracy in that country despite those election results which they admit were on the up-and-up with that quick praise for the election observers before they even seriously congratulated Bukele. They yap about 'inclusive' economic prosperity as if freedom can't accomplish that the way they think socialism can, which is to say they don't think Bukele is socialist enough for their tastes. They also yap about fair trial guarantees which is to say, a Soros-style solution to crime, which is letting criminals run free with few consequences for their crimes, as evidenced in the Soros-style D.A.s plaguing the U.S. As for human rights, personal security is the foremost human right and with El Salvador's crime rate lower than ours and lower than Canada's, maybe they need to look to their own country first.

You know this kind of crap will irritate, given the achievements in that country. It will likely drive them closer to China, which doesn't come with human-rights lectures on the side for its trade deals and other diplomatic measures. Already, Bukele has tangled with Rep. Ilhan Omar, who tried to pull the democracy card on him for which he called h3er now. Now he's calling himself 'the world's coolest dictator' in an ironic snipe at their constant hectoring. For Blinken to use the congratulatory opportunity to hector and harass Bukele and the people who elected him is a surefife way to ensure less, not more, cooperation from them, which they might need at some point as the border surge keeps surging and El Salvador is in a position to help stop it.

But they'd rather harass him at his moment of triumph out of jealousy and leftwingery if nothing else. Sound like a bright idea? Only to Joe Biden and his team of stooges and idiots.

Image: Twitter screen shot 



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