Chutzpah: Trans activists who desecrated St. Patrick's cathedral now demand an apology

Give them an inch, they'll take a mile.

Such is the dynamic now with the trans activists who the Church says tricked the gullible and wokesterly St. Patrick's cathedral leadership into holding a trans funeral for them to project their disgusting, profane, behavior on as some kind of victory dance, desecrating the cathedral and scandalizing the faithful.

According to Catholic Vote:

The organization Gays & Lesbians Living in a Transgender Society (GLITS) on Tuesday announced that it would hold a press conference Wednesday “to request an explanation from St. Patrick’s Cathedral” for what they described as “cutting short the funeral mass service of Cecilia Gentili.”

In a press release sent via email, GLITS stated that its press conference would be held at noon on Wednesday, February 21, at City Hall Park. The organization said it will demand “a public apology” for the “painfully dismissive and exclusionary language” the Cathedral used in a statement after the scandalous incident.

As CatholicVote previously reported:

On Thursday, February 15, a crowd of LGBTQ activists held a funeral for Cecilia Gentili at the historic St. Patrick’s Cathedral in New York City, New York. Gentili was “a transgender activist and actress, former sex worker and self-professed atheist,” according to the New York Times. Gentili passed away on February 6 at age 52. 

The mob … eulogized [Gentili] as: “This whore. This great whore. St. Cecilia, Mother of all Whores!”

During the service, participants, many of them wearing extravagant drag, repeatedly interrupted the priest and broke into loud chants. One reveler took to the podium to pray for “access” to “gender-affirming healthcare” – a cause the Catholic Church opposes. 

Well, wasn't that, as these guys like to say, ironic.

Actually, it was vile behavior from creatures who have always hated the Church and wanted to get something over on them.

Look at this exchange:

According to GLITS’ recounting of the events, however, 

St. Patrick’s Cathedral was filled with over 1,400 mourners and community members for the iconic homegoing of legendary trans activist, actress, and community leader, Cecilia Gentili. This joyful and celebratory commemoration of her powerful legacy was abruptly cut short by a rash decision made by clergy members of St. Patrick’s Cathedral.

“In a live stream video of the funeral service,” the press release says, “a male voice can be heard apparently directing Fr. Edward Dougherty to ‘…move to a funeral service – no mass…’ Ms. Gentili’s service ended an hour earlier than had been scheduled, thus denying her the full funeral mass that was agreed upon.” 

GLITS also now claims that “the current narrative from St. Patrick’s Cathedral leadership that they were manipulated by funeral organizers of the identity of Ms. Gentili is simply not true.” 

“Funeral organizers advised Cathedral staff to look up Cecilia Gentili, her work, and the community she served,” the statement claimed:

To now place responsibility on the funeral organizers to have affirmatively disclosed the gender identity of their loved one is imposing a burden upon the mourners that would not be expected of a non-transgender person.

So they went and pooped all over the sacred cathedral bellowing about 'whores' and desecrating the names of St. Cecilia and the Virgin Mary (the trans fanatics have a 'thing' against women) and now want the Church to apologize for it. They want to determine what's sacred on their own drag-show terms and they were, you see, "entitled" to a Catholic Mass at their anything-but-dignified "funeral," the better to take the consecrated bread of Holy Communion (there is no card check for who's Catholic and most were not) and then save it and use it for their witchcraft purposes or as a party favor trophy, or for some burlesque show they're planning. 

Yes, the Church was right to put a stop right then and there to that bad idea and not hold the Mass. The deceased person wasn't Catholic, he was an anti-Catholic male prostitute who impersonated a woman, and certainly wasn't "entitled" to that as no one else is. Based on his values, he wouldn't have even liked it -- unless the idea was to desecrate it since it's so ironic.

How the hell his pals got that far to even set up the affair is something the Church needs to answer for.

It's classic mau-mauing activist behavior, as described by Tom Wolfe in his 1968 book "Mau-mauing the Flak Catchers." In that book, which was a long essay that originally appeared in a magazine, Wolfe described how poverty pimps went up to some city bureaucrat with a sh**-eating grin on his face, desperate to please so as to not be called 'racist,' and did all they could to shake him down and get as much money pushed their way from him as possible for their "jobs for youth" programs -- or they would hold anti-racism protests and make him out to be Bull Connor. Of course the fool gave in.

And the more he did, the more they stamped their Tiki canes (some of them were Samoans in the San Francisco case) to get more money for their causes. It's why San Francisco got to be such a dump, incidentally, when a few decades ago, the homeless lobbies started playing this game, growing very rich and powerful from it to the point where we are now.

And the Church is well on the road to becoming a dump, too, if it doesn't hold firm on this and tell the mau-mauers to take a hike with their apology demands, and no doubt, lawsuit. Is there anyone at that Church strong enough to stand up to the mau-mauers of this lobby, who have used bullying tactics to get their way all through America's institutions? They've found an especially attractive soft target in the Catholic Church, whose pope is often a vindictive weakling but always wants to be seen as 'nice' people inclusive of all, no matter what the sleazy agenda.

Where are the tough-old-bird cardinals of old who'd stand up in heartbeat to defend what is sacred and valuable in this faith, so that there will be striving faithful instead of self-satisfied freaks in the pews? The Church's response thus far has been adequate in that they rightly cancelled the Mass, but weak, very weak, and now they're stuck with a tar baby they can't extricate themselves from easily.

It's time for some serious leadership from the front. If they don't care about themselves, they do need to care about what is sacred and holy because these power-hungry activists want to take it over and dictate their terms, rendering the Catholic Church into a mainline Protestant  Church with empty pews. Time to man up to these clown-show bullies in dollar-bill boas, Cardinal Dolan, the clergy who permitted this, and all Church leaders who haven't so far been silenced for their traditional values by the utterly weak pope.

Image: Twitter video screen shot

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