Bidenites plow ahead with menthol cigarette ban despite warnings that cartels, Hezbollah, and Hamas are poised to meet the demand

Nothing the federal government does is about public health, or lifting up the black community.

Joe Biden and his Bidenite bureaucracy, against all conventional political wisdom and common sense—why would you do this in an election year?—are plowing ahead with the proposed menthol cigarette ban, a policy which would disproportionately affect black Americans. (Per the CDC, 81% of black smokers opt for menthol.) Is there a leftist policy that doesn’t affect blacks disproportionately?

But on top of the asinine decision to aggravate any menthol-smoking black support the Democrats might still have, the Biden regime has received a number of warnings that if the ban goes through, the terrorists groups and criminal syndicates that are “emerging” to meet the demand will have a full-blown industry worth tens of billions of dollars a year—that’s not just a side-hustle.

Here are the details, according to a report out by Adam Kredo at The Washington Free Beacon:

As the FDA considers a ban on mentholated cigarettes, a type smoked by around 40 percent of adults, lawmakers have been pressing federal authorities to develop contingency plans meant to stop Hezbollah and its Mexican cartel partners from smuggling black market cigarettes into the United States.

But Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (ATF) do not appear to have developed any plans to combat the emerging black market menthol trade, which is likely to generate millions in profit. Hezbollah, Hamas, and other terrorist groups have long trafficked in illegal cigarettes, generating revenue that funds terror operations across the globe. The regulated menthol market in the United States is worth an estimated $30 billion.

If the regulated market is worth an estimated $30 billion, then how much more an unregulated market?

What are they doing? Is this just patronizing? That explanation seems to fit, because the Democrat politicians and the left didn’t earn the “savior complex” slur for nothing.

The government will take away menthol cigarettes from black Americans—but open the border which sees Chinese fentanyl flow across almost entirely unstopped. From Politico:

In 2020, the rate of drug overdose deaths among Black Americans skyrocketed, increasing faster than that of any other racial or ethnic group in the country. Fentanyl, which had become more ubiquitous, drove the rising toll. On Wednesday, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released a report showing that more Black Americans died from fentanyl overdoses than from any other drug in 2021 and at far higher rates than whites or Hispanics.

The federal government will take away menthol cigarettes—but flood ghettoes with crack cocaine and other illicit drugs?

The federal government will take away menthol cigarettes—but celebrate the injection of digoxin into the hearts of babies in the womb to induce cardiac arrest, so these little ones are dead on arrival.

The federal government will take away menthol cigarettes—but promote a “trans” agenda, force medical providers to prescribe cross-sex hormones, and protect anyone performing sick human experiments under the guise of “gender-affirming care.”

The federal government will take away menthol cigarettes—but incentivize broken homes and split families, which are the biggest causes of generational poverty.

The federal government is directly opposed to the health, freedom, and prosperity of the people… especially if they’re black.

Image: Public domain.

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