Bidenites cited recognition of ‘indigenous’ and ‘original stewards’ when canceling oil and gas leases—the octogenarian is now in a pickle

Uh oh, the ailing octogenarian resident seen shuffing around the White House lawn from time to time finds himself in a bit of a quandary, thanks to the wokesters he hired to staff the federal bureaucracy.

According to a new report out at The Washington Free Beacon on Monday, when the Bidenites intervened to block “seven oil and gas leases in Alaska” last year, they cited several reasons, but one in particular seems problematic:

When the Biden administration stepped in last year to block seven oil and gas leases in Alaska, it said it was doing so in part to recognize the ‘Indigenous Knowledge’ of the Native Americans who originally inhabited the land.

[W]hen Secretary of the Interior Deb Haaland announced on Sept. 6 2023, that the entire United States Arctic Ocean was off limits to new oil and gas leasing, and canceled seven oil and gas leases issued by former president Donald Trump after a review, she cited … a ‘recognition of the Indigenous Knowledge of the original stewards of this area.’

If I’m correct, Joe Biden owns a home in Rehoboth Beach, and in Wilmington, and unfortunately, if guided by the Democrats’ most virtuous precept of making sure stolen land isn’t exploited… Yikes, it looks like he has to hand those properties over to their rightful owners, out of “recognition” for those “original stewards” of course! I mean, he’s not a hypocrite now is he?!

From the website of the City of Rehoboth Beach:

The earliest settlers in this area were Native Americans who traveled to the beach in summer months to enjoy the cool breezes and abundant seafood. Between 1650 and 1675, English and Dutch settlers put down roots here as the area became home to farmers and members of William Penn's earliest legislatures.

I wonder how many gas stoves Biden and the Bidenites use, in official government buildings/residences as well as personal ones? Do Biden’s several homes use liquefied natural gas to heat? Does his staff ever cook for him over a propane grill? I’m sorry, what kind of fuel does Air Force One use? How about Marine One? The Beast?

With spinelessness, or what the left likes to envision as tolerance, virtue, or progressivism, comes wild hypocrisy and outlandish inconsistency.

Add another precept to the Democrat’s book of legalism: “Land confiscation for thee, but not for me.”

Image: DonkeyHotey, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons, unaltered.

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