WEF creeps descend on Davos to ‘rebuild trust’... and subsequently book all the local prostitutes

Klaus Schwab summoned the demons for the World Economic Forum’s annual gathering, and now Davos’s sex workers are all booked up, at least according to a new report from the Swiss paper 20 Minuten; read below, translated from the original language:

WEF escort Mia May: ‘12 hours cost 2,000 francs’

The example of the escort app ‘Titt4Tat’ shows how popular escort services are during the WEF. Some women even find a new job in Davos.

But anyone who wants to book an escort via ‘T4T’ in the Davos region, or even in eastern Switzerland, will be disappointed: ‘All local service providers are completely booked during the WEF week,’ confirms owner B. Konrad. The explanation: People kept to themselves in Davos, their partners mostly stayed at home. In addition, alcohol and parties contribute to the high demand for his service, according to the co-founder.

And these are the people who promote themselves as the “moral” and “virtuous” leaders of the world, just wanting what is best for humanity and all the underprivileged people. Give me a break.

Let me just say this loud and clear: I have never, and I will never, trust anything that comes from unelected bureaucrats who pay no price for being wrong, even more so when they are hypocritical communists shamelessly vocalizing their plans to enslave humanity, queer our children, inject us with poison, steal our property, and feed us bugs (before culling us under “carbon reduction” schemes). In fact, it’s for this very reason that anyone else with even an inkling of awareness also views this group of people as dangerous and adversarial—even the normies who once believed these institutions had even a shred of credibility—which is why Schwab’s acolytes have gathered under the theme of “Rebuilding Trust.” (Uh oh, the people they’re trying to subjugate, abuse, and murder figured out that we’re trying to subjugate, abuse, and murder them, and it is having a detrimental effect on our agenda!)

They’re not off to a very good start if “rebuilding trust” were actually the goal (a fool’s errand if you ask me); isn’t it ironic that while stumping on earning back the trust of the people by day, they immediately give in to their impulses to buy women (who have no doubt been trafficked in the sex industry since they were minors) for sexual purposes at night?

But, I guess now that Jeffrey Epstein is out of the equation, they have to do the dirty work themselves; so arguably, at least this is a step in the right direction, because they’re using adult women instead of children. With Epstein’s Island out of commission, is Davos the new honeypot?

Who woulda thunk that a bunch of amoral people with god complexes and essentially unlimited amounts of money, on a mission to shift more wealth and control from the people and to themselves, would also be purchasing their fellow human beings in a bid to satisfy their perverted ideations?

Image from X.

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