VIDEO: You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, you’ll plug your ears when you hear this leftist chorus
I can’t figure out if what I’m about to show you is a palate cleanser because it’s incredibly funny or a video that requires viewers to get eye bleach because it’s really creepy and disturbing. Still, I think it’s worth knowing about whether you laugh or cry because it’s important to understand how seriously committed to the narrative your average leftist is.
The video is from 2022, but it’s still current, right down to the masks the singers are wearing. After all, 2022 was two years into the COVID plague, by which time it was obvious that masks did nothing but harbor dangerous bacteria and other viruses while impairing people’s oxygen flow. And yet, the true believers singing this song manage to do so through their obedience masks.
And what a song it is. The lyrics are either direct quotations from or inspired by Ida B. Wells (aka Nikole Hannah-Jones of the 1619 Project) and Stacey Abrams (the professional political loser). The composition itself comes from Melissa Dunphy, an Australian-American classical music composer based in Philadelphia.
Well, “classical” is an interesting word in her case. According to Wikipedia (hyperlinks and endnotes omitted):
She is most notable for the Gonzales Cantata, a 40-minute choral piece in Baroque style that sets the text of the parts of the dismissal of U.S. attorneys controversy hearings in which former Attorney General Alberto Gonzales testified. It was featured on the Rachel Maddow Show in 2009; Maddow described it as “probably the coolest thing you've ever seen on this show.”
With her latest work, given her oeuvre, Dunphy does not disappoint. In the video below, the choir from the All Souls Church Unitarian, a “progressive religious community” in DC, sings the “Identity Politics” section from Dunphy’s larger work, entitled “Amendment: Righting Our Wrongs.” (Which is, believe it or not, performed frequently if an internet search is anything to go by.)
I’ve embedded the video and, for those who don’t have the stomach to listen, I’ve taken the time to transcribe the lyrics:
I really have no idea how The Babylon Bee can complete with this
— Joel Berry (@JoelWBerry) January 9, 2024
Our rights depend on whether we live in the right state
Our rights depend on where we were born
Our rights depend on how or when our families arrived
Our rights depend on whether we can afford valid ID
Our rights depend on whether that ID matches our gender
Our rights depend on the lawyers we can afford
Our rights depend on whether the criminal justice system has convicted us of certain crimes under the law (a system that targets some of us more than others)
This is the next battle for our democracy
One where all citizens can have their say about the vision we want for our country
With liberty and justice for all!
Our rights depend
On whether we have to stand in line for hours on a weekday
Our rights depend on whether our names were purged from the roll
Our rights depend on whether our votes were spoiled and left in uncounted piles.
On one level, this is silly, which is why I said you’d laugh. However, on another level, these people eat, breathe, and sing their politics. While we’ve been raising our children, they’re singing a new generation of protest songs, not about liberty and equality, but about transgenderism, the 99%, racial myths, and mail-in voting.
Image: X screen grab.