Ugly American: Joe Biden is harassing conservatives abroad, too, Ric Grenell reports
Joe Biden's distaste for democratic processes and intolerance of conservatives is well-enough known here in the states.
But President Trump's former Director of National Intelligence, Ric Grenell, has found that the same Biden administration behavior also extends to foreign countries.
Being one to go to the border -- and the border of the borders -- as the illegal migrant surge gets bigger, Grenell paid a visit to Guatemala, and met with its outgoing conservative president, Alejandro Giamattei.
Giamattei, recall, is the one who pointed out early that Biden's open border was a dinner triangle for cartels to entice migrants to cross over into the U.S.
Biden apparently didn't like that so ...
Here are a few of Grenell's tweets upon his return from his trip:
As I’m leaving #Guatemala, it has become crystal clear that one of the reasons illegal immigration and drugs are pouring into the United States is because our U.S. Embassies in Central America are doing politics - not economic development and security.
— Richard Grenell (@RichardGrenell) January 13, 2024
They are running around…
I’ve spent the last few days in Guatemala listening to some horrific stories of State Department officials trying to intimidate Guatemalans from criticizing Left wing policies.
— Richard Grenell (@RichardGrenell) January 13, 2024
The Embassy has summoned business and political leaders to their offices to ask them to stop…
Guatemalan President @DrGiammattei leaves office tomorrow.
— Richard Grenell (@RichardGrenell) January 14, 2024
Joe Biden’s Administration went after Giammattei politically because he didn’t share their terrible Left wing policies.
Remember when Giammattei refused to go to Los Angeles for Biden’s Summit of the Americas?! (Biden…
So they aren't doing jack to solve the border crisis, they don't like that Giamattei has spoken out about the migrant surge and rather that work with him to solve the problem (Guatemala could be the mother of all bottlenecks to migrant caravans pulling up from the Darien Gap and Nicaragua), they're micromanaging President Giamattei's cabinet members and holding him up to global scorn as a bad democrat. What's more, Giametti has offered to team up with the Bidenites to solve the migrant crisis -- and got snubbed.
But suddenly they don't like his attorney general and the immediate thing that comes to mind is that they didn't like Ukraine's either back when Hunter's Burisma company was under investigation, so they want him gone. Wonder why that's the case -- perhaps someone could ask him if Hunter has a Guatemala corruption problem, too? I don't think he's unfamiliar with the place.
As for the claims to Guatemala 'destroying democracy' by not appointing an attorney general to their tastes, well, that's kind of a stretch, given what's going on in Guatemala's immediate neighborhood, in socialist hellholes like Nicaragua, Cuba and Venezuela. The U.S. is howling about democracy in Guatemala, which seems functional enough, with that kind of crap going on all around Guatemala?
Something smells, and Grenell knows it's some kind of rat. Goodness knows what he heard behind closed doors.
Bottom line here is that Biden has no business ordering Guatemala around on its cabinet choices let alone intimidating them, which is what Grenell reported.
Does he do this with every conservative government in Latin America? One wonders what he might have tried with Javier Milei of Argentina or Nayib Bukele of El Salvador.
The intimidation thing is quite typical of Biden, being that he's the Big Guy and all, and very practiced in corruption.
But he has no business doing it and is bound to damage U.S. relations with Guatemala for a long time.
It is said that the deep state and Biden administration have taken the techniques used by the CIA in meddling with foreign countries through much of the 20th century and now have employed them against dissidents in the U.S., namely, MAGA members.
But it just as easily could be observed that Biden is taking the thugcraft he practices at home and is extending it to foreign countries such as Guatemala.