The Biden campaign tells major media outlets how to cover Trump news

Once upon a time, in real America, a land that seems long ago and far away, news outlets were understood to have two components. One was the straight news side that reported the facts and just the facts. (I learned this watching Teacher’s Pet, in which an aged Clark Gable, playing a reporter, woos a fresh-faced Doris Day, playing a journalism teacher.) The other side was the editorial pages, in which the outlet was free to state how it really felt. Those days are gone. Semafor is reporting that the Biden administration is liaising with major leftist media outlets to tell them how they really should be reporting the news.

The news at Semafor comes from Max Tani, a former Politico, Daily Beast, and Business Insider writer (just so you know his politics). According to him,

President Joe Biden’s re-election campaign has begun organizing a series of off-the-record trips for top political reporters and editors to the team’s headquarters in Wilmington, Delaware and meet top officials, including the campaign manager, deputies, and other senior advisors for background briefings on campaign strategy.

Only in the last sentence of this three-paragraph essay do you actually learn who these “top political reporters and editors” represent, and it’s a rather stunning list of the people who control most of the information Americans receive: “…political reporting teams from ABC, NBC, The Wall Street Journal, Fox, NPR, Reuters, Bloomberg, and others…” The biggest conservative outlets, of course, are conspicuously missing from the list.

The fact that conservative sites aren’t getting boasts from the Biden campaign about Biden’s wondrous presidency isn’t just because there’s nothing wondrous about it. It’s also because, while speaking to representatives from the leftist outlets, Biden’s briefers have used the opportunity to instruct them on the finer points of how to report on Donald Trump. The campaign team has even provided a spreadsheet to make sure everyone understands exactly what to do.

The problem Biden’s campaign faces is actually an amusing one of its own making. As you’ve undoubtedly noticed, the Biden DOJ, almost certainly working in tandem with local prosecutors in Georgia, has been using lawfare to destroy Donald Trump. The problem with this approach is that it turns Trump into a martyr, something that plays especially well amongst blacks, who have long felt that the law victimizes them. This explains why Rep. Jim Clyburn, who put Biden over the top in South Carolina, isn’t “worried” but is “very concerned” about the black vote. Democrats cannot win without black voters.

It's no doubt for this reason that the Biden campaign, in these secret meetings, is telling reporters to stop being “too focused on [Trump’s] legal troubles” and to start paying attention “to some of his incendiary recent statements on the campaign trail.” Of course, that won’t help either. Anyone with a modicum of sense understands how to tell when Trump is being serious, being New York sarcastic, and being a salesman puffing his product. Or, as Salena Zito so beautifully said, “the press takes him literally, but not seriously; his supporters take him seriously, but not literally.”

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