Score one for TrueTheVote over Soros, Elias, Abrams and the Democrat vote machine
TrueTheVote, the voter integrity group with an office in Georgia has won a major court victory in its bid to clean up Georgia's voter rolls.
According to the New York Times:
A federal judge ruled on Tuesday that a conservative group’s efforts to challenge the eligibility of hundreds of thousands of voters in the Senate runoff elections in Georgia in early 2021 did not violate the Voting Rights Act under a clause outlawing voter suppression.
In a 145-page opinion, the judge, Steve C. Jones of the United States District Court for the Northern District of Georgia, wrote that the court “maintains its prior concerns” regarding how the group, True the Vote, sought to challenge voters’ eligibility. But he said that Fair Fight, the liberal voting rights group that brought the lawsuit against True the Vote, had failed to show that the efforts were illegal.
The decision was relatively narrow, applying only to Judge Jones’s district in northern Georgia, and will do little to change the status quo: Right-wing election groups have already tried to help bring thousands of challenges to voter registrations in states across the country.
Apparently, they had been sued by Stacey Abrams's legal arm, Fair Fight, for voter suppression of black voters, because so many of the invalid registrations of out-of-state voters it found, (possibly done by Abrams's voter registration group, the New Georgia Project) were in the names of black people.
Why wouldn't they be black people? Those are the people Abrams's operatives know about and seek to register for elections. Apparently, there's no such thing as a black political machine, such as we find in places like Chicago, Los Angeles, and most recently, San Francisco.
TrueTheVote itself was ebullient:
HOUSTON, TX, January 2, 2024 - True the Vote (TTV) declares a decisive triumph in their legal battle against Stacy Abrams' Fair Fight, legal teams led by Marc Elias, and the Biden Department of Justice. A federal court in the Northern District of Georgia today affirmed that citizens have the right to lawfully petition their government in support of election integrity without fear of persecution or prosecution.
In a resounding vindication, TTV successfully defended its actions of December 2020, aiding Georgia citizens in filing elector challenges based on data showing over 364,000 voters appeared to be ineligible to vote due to change in residency.
This victory is a testament to every American's constitutional right to free speech and the importance of actively participating in the electoral process.
True the Vote President Catherine Engelbrecht affirmed, "Today's ruling sends a clear message to those who would attempt to control the course of our nation through lawfare and intimidation. American citizens will not be silenced.”
True the Vote lead attorney Jake Evans stated, “After almost three years of litigation and a two-week federal trial with plaintiff calling 12 witnesses, Judge Steven Jones awarded a complete defense verdict for all defendants. This decision is monumental. It vindicates True the Vote in totality and establishes that eligibility challenges under Section 230 are a proper method to ensure voter rolls are accurate. I am grateful to help achieve this great victory.”
The New York Times piece has an issue with tone, but it does lay out why this matters:
But the opinion is likely to encourage conservative activists hunting for voter fraud during the 2024 presidential election. Election officials and voting rights groups have expressed worries about these efforts, warning that an expanded campaign to challenge voters en masse could intimidate people away from the ballot box. True the Vote and similar groups, taking a cue from former President Donald J. Trump, have often spread false theories about election fraud.
They say that like it's a bad thing. Which pretty well tells us what this is about -- they'd like a world where challenging illegal and fraud-y election maneuvers, such as we see in the most recent elections, is a prosecutable offense, regardless of the truth presented. TrueTheVote already knows about how easily they can be jailed -- as their leaders learned a year ago in Texas when they were jailed on trumped-up charges from bitter Democrats angry at their election integrity efforts, and the charges were subsequently dropped.
As for Abrams's group, we learned a lot about their game, too -- they've been accused of legal irregularities on all kinds of matters -- here's one on questionable big-dollar payments to cronies, another on general ethics issues, and another on fraudulent registration accusations brought by Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffenberger. What makes them think they can get away with it is the racism card -- anyone who challenges what they are doing is hit by racism charges. If they can get away with that, they can do anything they like politically.
We also learn that big dollars are going into this effort to suppress TrueTheVote's election integrity efforts.
Politico reports that they have gotten huge donations from the far left foundation world in the past, some $61 million or so, including donations from George Soros's Open Society Foundation. TrueTheVote says it had been battling Abrams (financed by Soros), Democrat lawyer Marc Elias's legal team, which has been associated with Hillary Clinton's efforts to paint President Trump as a Russian agent, and the Department of Justice and all its operatives.
All that, and the scrappy little tea-party organization managed to win its case on its right to question gamy elections and encourage others to question the questionable in elections, too. That's a victory all right, and worthy of celebration.
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