Poll: Over half of Democrats ‘strongly support’ aborting babies with Down Syndrome

Margaret Sanger, a woman who helped to found the American Birth Control League, which became Planned Parenthood, wanted birth control to build a cleaner race. She wanted to essentially limit who could have babies, and believed she knew best regarding which babies should be allowed to be born. She only wanted people who she deemed acceptable to reproduce, and that did not include people she deemed physically and mentally deficient.

Today, over half of Democrats seem to agree with the notorious eugenicist, as evidenced by a recent poll. Here are the details, via Breitbart:

More than half of Democrats support or strongly support eugenics-style abortions of babies with Down syndrome, a recent poll found.

When respondents were asked: ‘Do you strongly support, support, oppose, or strongly oppose abortion because the child will be born with Down Syndrome?’ 56 percent of Democrats say they support such abortions, while 42 percent oppose.

Democrats are at odds with overall poll respondents, 58 percent of whom disagree with aborting babies because they will be born with Down syndrome. Thirty-nine percent of overall respondents say they agree with aborting babies with Down syndrome.

Which other babies do they deem to be expendable?

Here are some tidbits about who Margaret Sanger was, from the very organization that continues her legacy:

Sanger believed in eugenics — an inherently racist and ableist ideology that labeled certain people unfit to have children. Eugenics is the theory that society can be improved through planned breeding for ‘desirable traits’ like intelligence and industriousness.

Margaret Sanger pronounced her belief in and alignment with the eugenics movement many times in her writings, especially in the scientific journal Birth Control Review.

Sanger was so intent on her mission to advocate for birth control that she chose to align herself with ideas and organizations that were ableist and white supremacist. In 1926, she spoke to the women’s auxiliary of the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) at a rally in New Jersey to promote birth control methods. Sanger endorsed the 1927 Buck v. Bell decision, in which the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that states could forcibly sterilize people deemed ‘unfit’ without their consent and sometimes without their knowledge. The acceptance of this decision by Sanger and other thought leaders laid the foundation for tens of thousands of people to be sterilized, often against their will.

Democrats say they want to eliminate everything that is racist from society, including taking down statues, but they demand reverence to and respect for Planned Parenthood, an institution they acknowledge was borne from “racist” ideas!

Planned Parenthood still aborts black and brown babies at a disproportionate rate, yet somehow, that isn’t deemed racist… while everything from math to monuments, and from diseases to climate change, are.

Image: Public domain.

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