New Zealand’s ‘first refugee lawmaker’ goes down in a blaze of shame
A Green Party communist turns out to be an impulsive criminal who can’t help herself from taking stuff that belongs to other people? You mean, the theft she promotes as policy doesn’t stay confined to that realm, but seeps over into her personal life too? The gal who empathized and resonated with Muslim terrorists in Israel has a skewed sense of what’s right and what’s wrong? The leftist lawmaker is actually a corrupt lawbreaker?
Well knock me over with a feather!
Here are the details, reported via Breitbart today:
New Zealand Police said Golriz Ghahraman … had been charged on Wednesday with two counts of shoplifting at a store in Auckland’s trendy Ponsonby neighborhood.
‘Today, a 43-year-old woman has been summonsed to appear in the Auckland District Court on two charges of shoplifting,’ a police statement said. ‘These charges relate to incidents at a Ponsonby retailer that allegedly occurred on 21 and 23 December 2023.’
Local media had earlier accused Ghahraman of shoplifting two times at Scotties Boutique in Auckland, and once at Cre8iveworkz [sic] in Wellington in the weeks leading up to Christmas.
On Tuesday, the New Zealand Herald published CCTV footage of the 42-year-old appearing to steal a handbag from the Auckland-based store.
Ghahraman was New Zealand’s “first refugee lawmaker” having been elected to parliament in 2017 as a member of the Green Party; in the wake of being charged she promptly resigned from her elected position, and in a statement released yesterday Golriz Ghahraman wrote, “I understand I’m not well.” (Her political ideology already gave her away.)
As also reported, Ghahraman did not explicitly address the allegations of theft, but did say that “stresses relating to my work” caused her to behave “in ways completely out of character.”
Hold up though, and let’s get one thing straight—it’s entirely in her character to steal what others earned. After all, not only has she been drawing a sizable salary off of the taxpayer (MPs make between $160,000 and $180,000 a year), she’s been doing it while advancing policies that grow big government, which in turn steal even more from the citizen class she’s ostensibly supposed to be serving.
Second of all, “stress” is a legitimate reason to commit crime? I mean, seems a little ludicrous, but then again, it works for the Muslim rapists all across Europe. It’s a good thing for Ghahraman that she didn’t try this in her home country of Iran, because we all know what Sharia governments do to the hands of those who get caught stealing…
Lastly, it’s worth mentioning that foreigners (like Ghahraman), fleeing to Western nations (like New Zealand), don’t come from the Western world; they come from chaotic and failed countries. Problems inevitably arise when they bring their backwards cultures of failure, and refuse to embrace the host country’s system of functionality and success. And then, the villains in the equation are the bigoted white people, who are either consciously or subconsciously oppressing the underprivileged.
Image: Richard Myburgh, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons, unaltered.