Man who admittedly destroyed Satanic shrine in Iowa’s capitol building slapped with a ‘hate crime’ charge
In the words of Javier Milei, “You can’t give sh*t leftists a single millimeter.” Here’s why, by the AP via Washington Times:
Man accused of destroying Satanic Temple display at Iowa Capitol is now charged with hate crime
A Mississippi man accused of destroying a statue of a pagan idol at Iowa’s state Capitol is now being charged with a hate crime.
The statue was brought to the Capitol by the Satanic Temple of Iowa under state rules allowing religious displays in the building during the holidays.
On Dec. 14, the figure depicting the horned deity Baphomet was ‘destroyed beyond repair,’ according to the group.
Polk County prosecutors have charged Cassidy with a more serious offense, the Des Moines Register reported. A document made public Tuesday charged him with felony third-degree criminal mischief. It alleges the act was committed ‘in violation of individual rights’ under Iowa’s hate crime statute.
‘Evidence shows the defendant made statements to law enforcement and the public indicating he destroyed the property because of the victim’s religion,’ Lynn Hicks, a spokesman for the Polk County Attorney’s Office, said in a statement.
First of all… “destroyed beyond repair”? The “statue” looked like a high schooler’s art project, a hodgepodge of materials gleaned from craft bargain bins, and it was stuffed with plastic garbage bags; give me a break.
Yet, there’s a major, and politically-motivated flaw in the prosecutor’s argument: The Satanic Temple website openly admits that the organization does not worship Satan, nor does it “believe” in his existence, or even, “the supernatural.” Additionally, they make a point of notating their “non-theistic and non-supernaturalist” views.
Yet worship, and belief in a god (or the supernatural) is what defines religion, at least in the legally-protected sense. Here’s this, from the Cambridge Dictionary:
[T]he belief in and worship of a god or gods, or any such system of belief and worship[.]
And from Merriam-Webster:
[T]he service and worship of God or the supernatural[;] commitment or devotion to religious faith or observance[.]
To echo Milei, don’t give these people an inch.
If you do you’ll live in an America where “sh*t leftists” have a “right” to butcher babies “at any time, for any reason,” but praying and hymn-singing outside an abortion mill gets you a prison sentence.
If you do, you’ll live in an America where “sh*t leftists” can topple statues of the Founding Fathers with impunity, but smashing idols in state houses earns you a “hate crime” charge.
If you do, you’ll live in an America where “sh*t leftists” are allowed to set up shop on public property, but symbols of reconciliation and American heritage must be removed from public view.
If you do, you’ll live in an American where “sh*t leftists” can find legal protections as pseudo-satanists, but Christians are prosecuted and jailed for worshiping without a mask on, or holding legitimate church services during dictatorial lockdowns.
If you do, you’ll live in an America where “sh*t leftists” can erect shrines to Baphomet in capitol buildings, but the God of the Founders becomes He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named.
Oh, wait....
Michael Cassidy was just charged with a hate crime, against Satan, for tearing down the satanic idol.
— Smash Baals (@smashbaals) January 31, 2024
Michael Cassidy is a hero, God bless him.
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