Keep laughing, E. Jean: We are watching that rise in Trump's poll numbers

E. Jean Carroll, who got a New York City jury to award her $83 million from President Trump for 'defamation,' after Trump denied a rape charge which had failed to secure a conviction from a jury earlier, put on quite a giggly show regarding her award, for MSNBC's Rachel Maddow.

According to GatewayPundit:

Appearing with her smiling attorneys Roberta ‘Robbie’ Kaplan and Shawn Crowley, the 80-year-old Carroll gushed to Maddow about wanting to take her on a shopping spree with Trump’s money, saying, “First thing, Rachel, you and I are going to go shopping, we’re going to get completely new wardrobes, new shoes…Rachel, what do you want, penthouse? It’s yours, Rachel! Penthouse? And France? You want France? You want to go fishing in France?”

Crowley cut in saying, “That’s a joke.”

Carroll also spoke about being terrified in the days before the trial and having a “breakdown”, saying, “I couldn’t talk and I couldn’t go on.” Carroll told Maddow she would be willing to sue Trump again if her lawyers recommended it.


We thought she was so injured and wounded and destroyed by President Trump that she needed tens of millions of dollars as compensation.

This sounds like she won the lottery, full jackpot justice on display.

Burn victims and people who have been made quadriplegics have gotten less than that kind of money she got from the courts.

Was there something special, some grave loss for the world that couldn't be recovered with an award that size, given her grievous $83 million "injury"?

Based on this performance,  apparently it wasn't anything a little shopping money couldn't cure.

Her shopping trip, thus far, is completely imaginary, as the case is sure to be appealed, so maybe she shouldn't go spending that money just yet.

However, her performance probably did buy President Trump $83 million in sympathy from the public, quite a bit more than that much in ads would buy.

As Megan Kelly observed:

It's been observed by others that President Trump's seemingly insurmountable surge in the polls, both against his GOP rivals, and against President Biden, who clocked in with a 38% public approval rating, has at least coincided with the slew of sudden legal actions against Trump, seemingly intended to knock Trump out of the presidential race.

How's Trump's poll numbers doing these days?

According to John Nolte at Breitbart News:

In the RealClearPolitics (RCP) average poll of national polls, Trump tops Biden by an astounding 4.3 points. This is not only his biggest lead yet, but get a load of this…

Trump is polling better today than any Republican presidential candidate has polled against a Democrat since 2004, when George W. Bush topped John Kerry by 6.4 points.

In 2008, the late Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) never earned a lead of more than 2.4 points over now-former President Obama, and those were very short-lived leads, more like statistical blips.

In 2012, Sen. Mitt Romney’s (R-UT) blip of a lead against Obama never topped a single point. Obama led by as much as four points throughout that race.

In 2016, Former First Lady Hillary Clinton led throughout, except for a few brief moments when Trump topped her by only a half-point or so.

In 2020, Biden led Trump by no fewer than four points for every day of that race.

Today, in the RCP average poll of national polls, Trump leads Biden by 4.3 points. Of the last 13 polls released, Trump leads in nine. Two are a tie. Biden is only up by a single point in the remaining two.

These polls were taken pretty much just before Carroll made her post-lawsuit award remarks.

It will be interesting to see what they do after.

Keep laughing, E. Jean, we'll see you at the polls come November.



Image: Twitter screen shot


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