John Kerry slaps the ‘disinformation’ label on the real inconvenient truths of EVs

John Kerry consistently shows how dangerous and uncaring he, and all the other people pushing the radical green agenda to move the world backwards, really are.  If all these people who go to the United Nations gabfests and Davos, Switzerland really were worried about their carbon footprint, they would just use Zoom meetings, instead of flying in their private jets to stay in five star hotels, enjoying every luxury, delicacy, and amenity the world has to offer.

Kerry recently said he really doesn’t care if people don’t want to switch out their gas-powered vehicles for electric ones, because they will be forced to do it anyway. Isn’t that what dictators do? Force the people to do things against their will? Freedom of choice seems to be a foreign concept to them.

Kerry says… wait for it… the only reason that people don’t want electric vehicles is because of… “disinformation.” See below, reported via The Wall Street Journal:

John Kerry Blames EV Troubles on Disinformation


John Kerry: It has been a very, very clear policy, which regrettably has been attacked by people who are engaged in high levels of disinformation. They’ve been trying to scare people about the range of vehicles, so there’s range anxiety out there. But in addition to that, you’ve had some [corporate] pullback because communities aren’t moving fast enough … to deploy some of the renewables that we need.

(Kerry was referencing Hertz’s recent announcement that it would be offloading tens of thousands of cars in its E.V. fleet, as well as Ford’s decision to scale back on the production of the battery-powered F-150.)

Is this the supposed “disinformation” about which Kerry was talking?

They are expensive to purchase? Well, maybe not for a parasitic bureaucrat leeching off producers, but for the impoverished taxed, they are.

They are inefficient, and trips take much longer? This is true; car renters specifically ask for gas vehicles after having a previous run-in with an E.V.

They are dangerously and spontaneously flammable? Again, true. When things like simply parking your car in the sun, going near bodies of saltwater, or charging at home substantially raises the risk that your vehicle’s battery could explode into inextinguishable “thermal runaway,” I’d consider that a pretty big concern.

They are impractical? Well, just ask Jennifer Granholm how her little road trip went this past summer.

They cost more to insure and repair? Clearly true, as this was the primary reason given by Hertz when announcing its decision to dump its E.V.s.

They depreciate in value faster than gas-powered vehicles? Well, even Bloomberg agrees this is the case.

They don’t work very well in warm or cold weather, and only a small window of temperature range for proper function? True; see here.

It couldn’t be any of those things, because those things are all true—this is the very opposite of disinformation.

As for “disinformation” about which the people at Davos are supposedly worried?

The reason people around the world are switching to electric vehicles is because they have been force fed massive amounts of disinformation for decades by people like Kerry.

They have been told that gas-powered vehicles have caused global temperatures to rise, and those rising temperatures have caused sea levels to rise, which have caused storms to worsen.

None of that is based on scientific data. Temperatures have fluctuated, with periods of both warming and cooling, while the number of gas-powered vehicles has gone from zero to billions.

When there is no correlation, there can be no assumed causation. There are many natural variables that influence the fluctuating climate to determine causation. It is all a massive fraud.

Kerry says he has to fly in a private jet because it is “inconvenient” to do otherwise, and he is doing good by pushing this garbage down our throats. He clearly doesn’t care about all the truckers, and all the other little people who rely on their gas-powered vehicles to survive, because forcing a switch to unaffordable and unreliable electric vehicles is also massively “inconvenient.” He doesn’t care about the cost burden on the poor and middle classes; we will just have to suffer.

I will make a deal with Kerry. If he will give up all his mansions, his yacht, his jet, his gas-powered vehicles, and all the other products derived from crude oil that he uses, including rubber tires, I will give up my three gas-powered cars, my gas furnace, my gas water heaters, my gas grill, my gas lawn mower, and my gas-powered snow blower that I still need to use here in Illinois, despite all the warnings of snowless winters.

I will drive vehicles powered by the flammable pollutant Lithium when he flies in a private jet powered by Lithium—I am sure that I won’t have to switch.

All of the people pushing the radical green agenda to move the world backwards are the equivalent of Luddites. They see efficient gas combustion engines and they want to destroy them, while forcing people to use inefficient battery-operated machines.

They see countries that have achieved great prosperity, and where the length and quality of life is greatly improved due greatly to their use of coal, oil, and natural gas, and they want to take that all away.

Meanwhile, they see poor, underdeveloped countries where people starve and die young, and they seek to keep them poor and underdeveloped by telling them not to use the natural resources with which the earth has been blessed.

Politicians, bureaucrats, the media, and arrogant rich people who push the radical green agenda are dangerous and need to be stopped!

Image: KabanDanish, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons, unaltered.

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